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Norris retracts ‘not talent, just luck’ comment on Verstappen

At Friday night’s FIA Prize Giving Gala in Rwanda, Lando Norris took a moment to address comments he made following the 2024 Brazilian Grand Prix, retracting a statement that had sparked widespread debate at the time.

The McLaren driver, who finished runner-up in the Formula 1 championship this year, clarified his remarks about Max Verstappen’s astonishing victory in Sao Paulo, admitting they had been unfairly critical.

In Brazil, Verstappen had delivered one of the most remarkable performances of the season. Starting from 17th on the grid after a grid penalty for a new engine and a disastrous qualifying session, the Dutchman clawed his way to victory in challenging wet conditions.

His race was marked by strategic mastery – stretching his tyres longer than rivals, including Norris, and capitalizing on a red flag to make a timely tyre change.

For many, it was a display of Verstappen’s unmatched skill, but Norris, in the heat of the moment, downplayed the achievement.

After missing an opportunity to close the gap on Verstappen in the title fight, Norris had suggested that Verstappen’s win owed more to “lucky circumstances” than raw talent.

"It shouldn't have been red flagged but there was the crash in the end which caused it so... that's life sometimes,” Norris told the media after the race in Sao Paulo. “You take a gamble and it's paid off for them. It's not talent, it's just luck,” he added.

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The comment drew criticism, with many pointing out that Verstappen’s drive had been a sensational masterclass in racecraft and strategy.

At the gala, however, after witnessing a short film on the 2024 F1 season and accepting his runner-up trophy, Norris revisited his words and took the opportunity to set the record straight.

“First of all, I retract that comment back there where I said it was all luck and no talent. You know how the media changes things,” Norris began, addressing the controversy with a tone of humility.

“First of all, congratulations to Max. What he did this year, what he did in Brazil, of course, was incredible, so I’m the first one to acknowledge such a thing when I’m the one going up against him,” he continued.

The McLaren star’s remarks reflected the respect he has for Verstappen, who claimed his fourth world title this season after a dominant campaign.

For Norris, the 2024 season was both a breakthrough and a learning experience. Though he put up a spirited fight, he acknowledged that Verstappen’s brilliance was a benchmark he aspires to reach.

“It was a tough season, of course. I tried to give my best and put up the best battle that I could, but this year was not enough, and at the same time, sometimes, I am happy to finish second to Max because I think it’s quite an achievement to do a lot better than that,” he said.

Norris went on to reflect on his personal growth over the year.

“A wonderful year for myself. A lot of achievements, a lot of improvement from myself, but I also know I need to step it up and do more than I did this year, so I’m excited to look forward to next year and try to do the same,” the McLaren driver concluded.

While Brazil might have been a sore point in the heat of the championship fight, his ability to recognize and respect Verstappen’s extraordinary abilities speaks to Norris’ maturity as a competitor.

As the 2024 runner-up looks ahead to next season, the rivalry between Norris and Verstappen is set to continue growing, with both drivers pushing each other to even greater heights.

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The post Norris retracts ‘not talent, just luck’ comment on Verstappen appeared first on F1i.com.

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