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«Авторадио» – партнер сольного концерта Николая Носкова

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Tokayev’s article was published in a Russian newspaper

Tengrinews.kz - The Russian publication Izvestia has published an article by Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev titled "Kazakhstan and Russia: New Horizons of Strategic Partnership."

The article by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in the Russian newspaper Izvestia

"Relations between Kazakhstan and Russia serve as a model of strong and unshakable friendship. Our strategic partnership and alliance are rooted in close historical and cultural ties, as well as a shared responsibility for the future of our peoples.

Despite unprecedented global challenges, our countries demonstrate an example of good neighborliness and multifaceted cooperation. This cooperation is based on common interests, mutual respect, and constructive political dialogue at the highest level.

President Vladimir Putin and I maintain regular contact, characterized by openness, pragmatism, and mutual respect. This enables us to promptly address emerging issues and strengthen the genuinely friendly nature of relations between our states. Over the past year alone, President Putin and I have held four full-scale negotiations, met multiple times on the sidelines of international events, and communicated by phone.

Thanks to the efforts of the governments and business communities of both countries, the trade and economic interaction between Kazakhstan and Russia is confidently gaining momentum.

Currently, 23,000 Russian companies are actively operating in Kazakhstan, with 4,000 of them established just in the past year, reflecting the high dynamics of our cooperation.

The volume of mutual investments is steadily growing. In 2023, Russian companies invested more than $3 billion in Kazakhstan, with Kazakhstan contributing the same amount to the Russian economy. Both countries are creating the necessary conditions to support investors, ensuring a favorable environment for doing business.

Kazakhstan and Russia are implementing large-scale joint projects in energy, industry, transport and logistics, agriculture, and other sectors. To date, over 90 projects worth more than $18 billion have been completed, and 49 promising projects are in progress.

Among the most significant initiatives are the construction of three thermal power plants in Kazakhstan, the modernization of the Ekibastuz GRES, and extensive efforts to expand gasification in several regions of our country, as well as to increase the transit of Russian energy resources southward and eastward.

Astana and Moscow are also effectively cooperating within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which has become an important mechanism of integration across the Eurasian space and has gained international recognition.

Incidentally, this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. As initiators and founders of this association, Kazakhstan and Russia have consistently worked to strengthen comprehensive interaction to enhance competitiveness on the global stage. Over the years, the EAEU has proven its effectiveness as one of the key platforms for integrating the economic policies of member states and fostering mutual trade.

The state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Kazakhstan will be a particularly significant event in the history of Kazakh-Russian relations. This visit, which carries the highest interstate status, underscores the special importance of the strategic partnership between our nations.

During the upcoming meeting with the Russian President in Astana, we will discuss a wide range of issues related to cooperation in trade and economics, transport and logistics, energy, and science and technology. We also plan to address further collaboration within international organizations and integration structures, as well as exchange views on the global situation, which, unfortunately, has reached a critical level of tension.

In Kazakhstan, we always remember that our countries share the world’s longest land border. To us, it is a border of eternal friendship and genuine good neighborliness. Importantly, the border regions on both sides are home to about 32 million people. These regions significantly contribute to strengthening our interstate relations. Therefore, a key point of the visit’s agenda will be the joint participation of the heads of state in the 20th Forum of Interregional Cooperation.

I am confident that the visit will provide a powerful impetus to investment and trade cooperation, facilitating the launch of new joint projects for the benefit of citizens of both countries.

Our nations are also preparing to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory with dignity. The shared reverence for our common history runs as a red thread through the cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.

In the 20th century, our peoples endured a severe test together, defeating fascism during the most harrowing war in human history. Kazakh soldiers fought selflessly on the front lines, and Kazakhstan served as a reliable strategic rear, supplying the army with essential military products and food. Hundreds of thousands of families found refuge on Kazakh soil during the evacuation.

The words ‘No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten’ are not just a slogan for Kazakhs but a succinct reflection of the enduring national memory of the unparalleled heroism of war participants and home-front workers.

Cultural and humanitarian ties between our countries are actively developing: cultural days, festivals, and exhibitions are regularly held and warmly received by audiences.

The past year was marked by the large-scale “Russian Seasons” in our country. This year, Astana Days in Moscow included the performance of the opera “Abai” at the Bolshoi Theatre as its central event. Additionally, exhibitions featuring Kazakhstan are set to take place at Russia’s leading museums – the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage.

Kazakhstan’s participation in the Games of the Future in Kazan and the performance of Russian athletes at the World Nomad Games in Astana highlight the relevance of new formats for humanitarian cooperation. Continuing this tradition, Kazakhstan will host the next Games of the Future in 2026, an initiative originally proposed by Russia.

Cooperation in education is also gaining new dimensions. We plan to open Russian schools in the southern regions of Kazakhstan. In return, we hope to establish Kazakh schools in Russian cities near the border.

Currently, about 60,000 Kazakh students are studying at Russian educational institutions. Plans include opening a branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Astana and a representative office of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Omsk.

In Kazakhstan, more than 3,500 schools teach the Russian language, while Russian television channels, radio stations, newspapers, and magazines operate widely. Nearly every region has Russian drama theatres delighting local audiences.

Our country initiated the creation of the International Organization for the Russian Language under the auspices of the CIS. The organization will foster cooperation among CIS countries in supporting and promoting the Russian language. I am confident this will strengthen friendship, good neighborliness, interethnic harmony, mutual understanding, and trust between our peoples.

Kazakhstan and Russia successfully cooperate on the international stage, advocating for multipolarity, peaceful dialogue, and respect for the sovereignty of all states.

The positions of Kazakhstan and Russia align on many global and regional issues. This is evident in the coordination of our efforts within integration associations and multilateral platforms, including the CIS, CSTO, SCO, CICA, and others.

In July of this year, Astana hosted the SCO summit, which concluded with the adoption of the Declaration On World Unity for Just Peace, Harmony, and Development. The document emphasizes that the SCO can contribute to creating a new architecture of comprehensive and indivisible security in Eurasia.

A notable event this year was the October meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of State in Moscow, where member countries reaffirmed their commitment to developing mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation.

This year, Kazakhstan holds the chairmanship of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The upcoming summit in Astana will be a significant step toward strengthening regional security and stability. Our country is focused on supporting joint efforts to ensure peaceful collective security and fostering friendly relations among member states.

I would also like to highlight the impressive results of the historic BRICS summit in Kazan. This forum was made possible through the personal efforts and authority of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s effective chairmanship of this association, which represents the interests of more than 45% of the world’s population.

* * *

In conclusion, it can confidently be stated that this year has been highly productive in terms of our bilateral interaction. Furthermore, we have laid a solid foundation for 2025, during which a number of joint initiatives and projects are set to be implemented. I am certain that all of them will bring tangible benefits to the citizens of both countries.

Kazakhstan and Russia have built truly friendly and, most importantly, trusting relations based on good neighborliness and alliance. I believe that together we are capable of realizing the boldest plans that align with our core interests. As for our country, we have been and remain a reliable strategic partner and ally of Russia during this tumultuous period of global conflicts and upheavals."

At the invitation of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Russian President Vladimir Putin will arrive in Kazakhstan on a state visit on November 27.

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