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What Is Mahadev Betting App Scam Which Brought Bollywood Stars Under ED Radar | Explained

ED has initiated investigations into a high-profile money laundering case involving Mahadev betting app, and has summoned Bollywood celebs Ranbir Kapoor, Kapil Sharma Shraddha Kapoor, Huma Qureshi, and Hina Khan, who allegedly received payments for their involvement with the app’s promoters.

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The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has initiated investigations into a high-profile money laundering case involving the Mahadev betting app, which has brought attention to several Bollywood celebrities associated with the case. Among those summoned by the central agency are Ranbir Kapoor, Kapil Sharma Shraddha Kapoor, Huma Qureshi, and Hina Khan, who allegedly received payments for their involvement with the app’s promoters.

Though the Bollywood celebs are not named as accused, they have been called for questioning in connection with the case. This investigation has exposed a web of illegal betting operations conducted through the app, leading to the freezing and seizure of assets worth Rs 417 crore. Here’s a detailed look at the Mahadev betting app case, its operations, and its Bollywood connection.

What is Mahadev Betting App Case?

In February 2023, the Mahadev betting app case came to light when the ED began probing a lavish wedding held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Sourabh Chandrakar, one of the app’s promoters, had spent a staggering Rs 200 crore in cash for his wedding in Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE. The app in question enabled illegal betting on various online games, including poker, card games, badminton, tennis, football, and cricket. It was operated by Dubai-based individuals, Saurabh and Ravi Uppal, where betting is legal, but illegal in India.

The ED’s investigation revealed that the Mahadev app was run from a central head office in the UAE. It operated through a franchising model, with associates sharing profits on a 70-30 ratio. The app facilitated large-scale hawala operations to siphon off betting proceeds to offshore accounts.

The Mahadev betting app’s offices were raided by ED at multiple locations including Kolkata, Bhopal, and Mumbai. The agency has also clubbed at least seven FIRs filed by the victims of the fraud across locations, including Goa, Mumbai, Vishakhapatnam, Ahmedabad, and Chattisgarh.

How Mahadev App Operated?

The operation of the Mahadev betting app was intricate. The app’s promotional materials included a WhatsApp number. Users who contacted this number were directed to a call center. There, call center employees collected users’ personal information and forwarded it to panel operators. These operators guided users in opening accounts on the app, placing bets, and receiving money.

The app’s promoters advertised contact numbers on websites, enticing people to participate and make profits. Users who reached out to these numbers received two separate contact numbers. One was for depositing money and obtaining points in user IDs for betting, while the other was for contacting the website to cash out points in assigned IDs.

The ED uncovered the existence of approximately 4,000 to 5,000 panel operators spread across Chattisgarh, Mumbai, and Delhi. The founders of the Mahadev app, Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, shared profits with these operators at a 70:30 ratio. The investigation also revealed that the founders operated several similar apps in India, as well as one in Pakistan.

What is the UAE Wedding and Mahadev App’s Bollywood Connection?

The Mahadev app’s Bollywood connection came into the limelight when it was discovered that several celebrities had attended or performed at Sourabh Chandrakar’s lavish Rs 200 crore UAE wedding in February and the company’s success party in September of the previous year. These celebrities allegedly received substantial payments in cash for their participation, which the ED considers as proceeds of crime or it can lead to more information regarding the case.

Notable Bollywood stars, including Vishal Dadlani, Tiger Shroff, Neha Kakkar, Ali Asgar, Bharti Singh, Bhagyashree, Pulkit Samrat, Elli Avram, and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, were among those under the ED’s scrutiny. Private jets were reportedly hired to transport family members to the wedding, and the entire event, including the performances, was paid for in cash, raising red flags for the ED.

Who are the Owners of Mahadev Betting App?

The owners of the Mahadev betting app, Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, both residents of Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, have come under the ED’s radar. The investigative agency has issued non-bailable warrants and lookout circulars for them. They initially launched the platform in Dubai in 2018.

Reports suggest that the Mahadev betting app’s network extended beyond India, reaching the UAE, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan. Sourabh Chandrakar, who once owned a juice shop in Bhilai’s Nehru Nagar, and Ravi Uppal, who owned a tire shop, have been implicated in the case. The ED’s extensive investigation has resulted in the freezing and seizure of assets worth Rs 417 crore connected to the Mahadev online betting case.

The post What Is Mahadev Betting App Scam Which Brought Bollywood Stars Under ED Radar | Explained appeared first on om marseillais.

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