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“Opportunities must be created“: Tokayev speaks at Turkic States Organization

Tengrinews.kz - Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev attended the summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), according to a statement from Akorda.
At the beginning of his address, Tokayev expressed gratitude to President Sadyr Zhaparov and the Kyrgyz people for their hospitality. He noted the significance of holding the event at the new Yntymak Ordo Palace, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the organization.

"This is undoubtedly a major event. I congratulate all the participants on this important date. The OTS has quickly become a respected institution, strengthening its status on the world stage. I believe our unity and solidarity have made this possible, and I am confident this summit will further deepen our cooperation," said Tokayev.

Tokayev reviewed Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OTS.

"Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OTS was marked by the slogan TURKTIME! We prioritized strengthening Turkic unity and expanding cooperation. Concrete results were achieved, with over 80 events organized. The 5th World Nomad Games in Astana showcased the rich nomadic culture of the Great Steppe. An important milestone was the adoption of a unified Turkic alphabet. Last year, we appointed permanent representatives to the OTS, and the corresponding regulations are ready for approval," he highlighted.

The president also emphasized established cooperation in trade, energy, finance, and investment within the OTS framework.

"The Turkic Investment Fund has become an effective tool, deepening integration among Turkic nations. The theme 'Strengthening the Turkic World: Economic Integration, Sustainable Development, Digital Future and Security for All,' proposed by our Kyrgyz brothers, aligns with the interests of all member states. Over the past decade, economic ties among OTS members have significantly strengthened. In 2024, mutual trade exceeded $45 billion, and there is potential to increase this further," Tokayev stated.

Tokayev stressed the importance of strengthening transport and logistics links within the OTS.

"We need to fully utilize the potential of the 'Middle Corridor,' which holds strategic importance for the economic future of the Turkic world. I believe a sustainable transport agreement for this route is essential, and I hope member states will support this initiative," he said.

He also noted the importance of deepening cooperation in finance and investment, with the Turkic Investment Fund playing a central role. Tokayev announced unanimous support for creating a Council of Central Banks.

The President of Kazakhstan emphasized the importance of human capital development.

"For the modernization of Turkic civilization, we must make the most of our human resources, creating opportunities for young talent. We need to expand collaboration in science and education. Last year’s summit saw proposals for establishing branches of prestigious universities in our countries, resulting in a new branch of Turkey’s Gazi University in Kazakhstan," he said.

Tokayev emphasized the importance of the newly signed Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, proposing mutual broadcasting of cable channels to create a shared Turkic information space.
Photo by Akorda press service
In closing, Tokayev expressed confidence that the agreements reached during the summit would strengthen the organization’s potential and wished success to Kyrgyzstan, which will chair the OTS in 2025.
Additionally, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban received the "Highest Order of the Turkic World" for his significant contributions to unity.
On November 6, President Tokayev arrived in Bishkek from France, where his visit focused on cultural cooperation and business discussions.
Recall that Kassym-Jomart Tokayev arrived in France on a state visit on November 4. At the Paris airport, he was greeted by French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot.

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