Overall, people in Switzerland and the Swiss Abroad are doing well. But they are more pessimistic about the future than they were a year ago. These are the main conclusions of the second edition of the “How are you, Switzerland?” opinion poll, a major survey carried out by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), SWI swissinfo.ch’s parent company. “Carefree living in Switzerland is over and the world is going downhill." 71% of the people living in Switzerland and the Swiss Abroad agree with this statement. Furthermore, only 26% believe that children today in Switzerland can grow up more carefree than any other generation before them. This is 7% less than last year. Regarding the future, the Swiss population and the Swiss Abroad have become more pessimistic over the past year. This is another of the conclusions from the major opinion poll “How are you, Switzerland?”, which was conducted for the second time by the research institute gfs.bern on behalf of the SBC. In all, 51,000 ...