(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) The campaign will encourage people to repurpose excess food; thereby reducing wastage Dubai: Old El Paso � the Tex-Mex-style food brand from American food producer General Mills � has rolled out an innovative campaign in partnership with the UAE Food Bank during the holy month of Ramadan to spread awareness about food wastage.� According to the recent United Nations Environment Programme's Food Waste Index Report 2021, around 931 million tonnes of food waste was generated globally in 2019... Читать дальше...
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) The partnership with Etihad Airways is attracting more and more interest with a million Etihad Guest Miles and AED 50,000 cash prizes awaiting the lucky winner Dubai, UAE: Global Village, the UAE and wider region's leading multicultural family destination for culture, shopping, and entertainment, has revealed that the recently launched Etihad Baggage Claim Challenge has been welcomed with a positive reception by enthusiastic guests. The park partnered with Etihad Airways... Читать дальше...
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) in-ramadan/ramadan-3/" data-orig-file="https://i1.wp.com/mid-east.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ramadan.png?fit=1000%2C1000 & ssl=1" data-orig-size="1000,1000" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="ramadan" data-image-description data-medium-file="https://i1.wp.com/mid-east.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/ramadan.png?fit=
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) Path Solutions, a global provider of�AAOIFI-certified software solutions and services for Islamic banks and financial institutions, today announced the signing of a new partnership agreement with�Bank of Abyssinia�('BoA'), one of the leading banks in Ethiopia serving more than 4.6 Million customers through 580+ branches and Islamic windows. As a new addition to Path Solutions' fast-growing client base, BoA will be implementing iMAL*IslamicFinancing and iMAL*ProfitCalculationSystem... Читать дальше...
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) unified-benchmark/s-l model/" data-orig-file="https://i0.wp.com/mid-east.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/S.L.A.-Model.png?fit=1200%2C425 & ssl=1" data-orig-size="1200,425" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="S.L.A.-Model" data-image-description data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/mid-east.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/
Ça va glisser encore plus à Santec (Finistère) ! Avec plus de vingt ans de passion commune pour le surf, Rafaël Rumayor et Pierre, âgés de 33 et 32 ans, ont décidé, lors d’une saison commune à Locquirec, en 2020, de s’associer en entreprise : la Dossen Surf School.Ils sont éducateurs sportifs,...
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) - First financial services company to offer instant financing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Plans underway to provide�Auto Finance, SMEs Finance, and credit card issuance Emkan, a financial company that provides innovative financial solutions across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has celebrated its first anniversary with the launch of a new digital financing solution for its customers. Throughout the past year, Emkan has established itself as a pioneer in the fintech... Читать дальше...
L’annonce de la mise sur pied d’un projet de ligue semi-fermée rassemblant douze clubs majeurs du continent a provoqué une indignation unanime, outre-Manche, sur les terres de naissance du football. Presse, anciens joueurs et même Premier ministre crient à la trahison des valeurs du sport.
أعلن مصرف "إيه بي إن أمرو" الأكبر في هولندا الاثنين أنه سيدفع 480 مليون يورو (575 مليون دولار) في إطار تسوية مع المدّعين العامين بعد تحقيق مرتبط بغسل الأموال.ويأتي الإعلان في أعقاب تحقيق أطلقه مدعون
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) Regional and international insurance pioneers sign agreement to become partners in ACE Nagib Bahous, President and CEO of MIG Holding Ltd Dubai:�MIG Holding Ltd (MIG Group), a leading regional insurance investment group, and Gallagher, one of the world's largest insurance broking and risk management firms, have agreed a strategic partnership which will see them jointly develop their presence in the MENA region. The agreement will see MIG Group and Gallagher become strategic... Читать дальше...
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) � Starting this summer: Select Webex customers will have access to insights that increase and promote personal well-being, build better quality connections and a more inclusive work experience for all. � Private by design, Webex People Insights enables individuals and teams to set and achieve goals for their meetings, work-life integration, connections, and manage their most precious asset - time. � Today's news builds upon the more than 400 features Webex has introduced in the last 6 months... Читать дальше...
TRANSFERT - Tout en jugeant son état de santé "satisfaisant", les services carcéraux russes ont décidé lundi 19 avril de transférer l'opposant russe, en grève de la faim depuis environ trois semaines, vers un hôpital pour prisonniers.
(MENAFN - Mid-East.Info) Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Azizi Developments, a leading private developer in the UAE, has awarded Stromek Emirates Foundations L.L.C. with a multimillion deal for shoring, excavation, and dewatering in Riviera's Phase 3.� The contract has been awarded in line with Azizi's commitment to collaborate with the best service providers in construction to offer best-in-class homes to its customers. Established in 1994, Stromek is one of the leading specialised contractors... Читать дальше...
«Միակ ղեկավարն ա եղել մեր երկրի, որին գերեզմանոցից լարել են»,- ասուլիսի ժամանակ անդրադառնալով շաբաթ օրը Վայոց ձորում տեղի ունեցած միջադեպին՝ ասել է ԱԺ պատգամավոր Գևորգ Պետրոսյանը:...
Ce lundi 19 avril, à quelques heures de la validation par le comité exécutif de l’UEFA du nouveau format de la Ligue des champions, 12 clubs anglais, espagnols et italiens ont fait exploser une bombe en annonçant le lancement de leur Super League.
ТАРАЗ. ҚазАқпарат – Тараздық дәрігерлер кілтті жұтып қойған баланы құтқарды, деп хабарлайды ҚазАқпарат тілшісі.
سایت رهبر انقلاب در پی در گذشت سردار حجازی تصویری صمیمی از این سردار سپاه در کنار رهبر معظم انقلاب را منتشر کرد.
رشت- مدیر عامل جمعیت هلال احمر گیلان گفت: تاب آوری اجتماعی ظرفیت جامعه برای انطباق با تغییرات یا دگرگونی ها و حفظ رفتار سازگارانه را فراهم میآورد.
Le club de Tottenham a annoncé, lundi, avoir pris la décision de limoger son entraîneur portugais, José Mourinho, 17 mois après sa prise de fonction. En cause : de mauvais résultats depuis la mi-décembre, mais aussi de probables dissensions avec une partie du vestiaire.
Anche le Leghe di Spagna e Francia si schierano condannando la nascita della nuova Superlega
زنجان-مدیرکل فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی استان زنجان گفت: امسال۷۲برنامه فرهنگی و هنری در قالب کنگره ۳۵۳۵شهید زنجان با هدف نشر و توسعه ارزشهای والای فرهنگ ایثارو شهادت در استان برگزار میشود.
Ante la constatación de que ningún país ha enviado a Bruselas todavía su programa de reconstrucción y que apenas quedan doce días para el fin de plazo, la Comisión Europea acaba de dar a entender por boca de uno de sus portavoces que el retraso en este trámite no plantearía inconvenientes mayores, siempre que ello desemboque en la redacción de un proyecto más compatible con las reglas previstas para su ejecución.
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El pequeño helicóptero Ingenuity de la NASA ha hecho historia al realizar el primer vuelo controlado y con motor de una aeronave en otro planeta, Marte.
Читать дальше...Głośno zrobiło się na temat Mariusza Pudzianowskiego po jego słowach na temat wychowania dzieci. Pod jego adresem wylała się fala hejtu, a fundacje chciały zgłaszać sprawę na prokuraturę.
Der russische Oppositionsblogger Alexei Nawalny ist seit dem 31. März im Hungerstreik. Am Montag teilte der russische Gefängnisdienst mit, dass Nawalny aus der Justizvollzugsanstalt in der Region Wladimir in das regionale Krankenhaus für Insassen gebracht wurde.