9 яшьлек Егор шимбә көнне мәктәптән кайтуга исерек әтисе белән әбисенә тап була. Аларның эчүеннән туйган малай әтисе белән әбисе айныганчы 30 чакрым ераклыктагы авылга туганнарына барырга карар итә. Электричкага соңга калгач, җәяү китәргә уйлый һәм адаша. Ул бу араны элек тә җәяү үтә торган була. Тик җәй көннәрендә. Ә бу юлы ул буранда адаша.
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Шәһәрдәге бер гаиләдә песи 8 яшьлек балага һөҗүм иткән.
Уен барышында ул тикторганда үзен агрессив тота башлый һәм яшь хуҗабикәсенә ташлана. Бик каты башын тырный. Әти-әниләре "ашыгыч ярдәм" чакырта, тик песи һаман саен ыргыла һәм балага якын җибәрми. Шуннан соң коткаручыларны чакыралар, алар аны тотып, йоклау өчен санэпидстанциягә тапшыра, дип хәбәр итә республика гадәттән тыш хәлләр министрлыгы сайты, дигән хәбәрләр таралды бүген социаль челтәрләрдә.
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ANKARA (Reuters) - The European Union must fulfil its promises as part of a 3 billion euro deal it struck with Turkey in return for stemming the flow of migrants into the bloc, Turkey's EU Minister said on Wednesday.
“Әйдә, гармун, уйна, кушылып җырлыйм, Уятыйк авылым өйләрен”, - дип, беркөн телевизордан матур җыр суза Гүзәлия.
Читать дальше...OSLO, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Norway's $790 billion sovereign wealth fund, the world's largest, will vote in favour of the merger of energy companies Royal Dutch Shell and BG , it said on Wednesday.
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has signalled its support for Yemen's government, which is fighting an Iran-allied militia, on the first day of a visit to Saudi Arabia by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who will also be heading to Tehran later in the week.
LONDON, Jan 20 (Reuters) - European stocks dropped on Wednesday as a relentless slide in oil prices hit world markets, with a leading regional European equity index falling to a 15-month low.
With political and business elites in Davos for the World Economic Forum the IMF has revised down global growth forecasts. Reuters Jacob Greaves reports from the summit.
With political and business elites in Davos for the World Economic Forum the IMF has revised down global growth forecasts. Reuters Jacob Greaves reports from the summit.
With political and business elites in Davos for the World Economic Forum the IMF has revised down global growth forecasts. Reuters Jacob Greaves reports from the summit.
With political and business elites in Davos for the World Economic Forum the IMF has revised down global growth forecasts. Reuters Jacob Greaves reports from the summit.
Мәчеләре 8 яшьлек балаларына ташланып, башын җәрәхәтләгәч, хуҗалар ашыгыч ярдәм чакырталар.
Читать дальше...LONDON (Reuters) - Asylum seekers in the northern English town of Middlesbrough are suffering abuse because they have been housed in properties that almost all have red front doors, making them easy targets for racists, the Times newspaper reported on Wednesday.
LONDON (Reuters) - Asylum seekers in the northern English town of Middlesbrough are suffering abuse because they have been housed in properties that almost all have red front doors, making them easy targets for racists, the Times newspaper reported on Wednesday.
JAKARTA, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Indonesia will reach a decision on whether to accept Freeport McMoRan Inc's $1.7 billion divestment price for its unit in the country by the end of the first quarter, a mines ministry official said on Wednesday.
(Reuters) - Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp has dispelled doubts about Christian Benteke's suitability to the team's high-pressing style of play and said the striker has a long-term future at Anfield.
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Apple Inc has filed an application with the Indian government to set up its retail outlets in one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets, a spokesman for the Cupertino-based company said on Wednesday.
(Reuters) - Chelsea manager Guus Hiddink says the intensity of the Premier League has increased since his first stint with the club in 2009 with all clubs now attracting big-name players across Europe.
ТР тикшерү комитетының Зәй районы бүлегендә 45 яшьлек Сарман авылы кешесенә карата җинаять эше карала.
Читать дальше...TransferWise CEO Taavet Hinrikus is on a mission to disrupt. His target: the fat fees charged by banks to send money overseas. Reuters reporter Julian Satterthwaite caught up with him on the cable car in Davos.
Skype founder Taavet Hinrikus has a new target: the fat fees charged by banks to send money overseas. Reuters reporter Julian Satterthwaite caught up with him on the cable car in Davos.
DAVOS/LONDON (Reuters) - The Gavi global alliance for vaccines and immunization group signed a $5 million advance purchase commitment on Wednesday to buy a vaccine being developed by Merck to protect against future outbreaks of the deadly Ebola virus.
MUMBAI, Jan 20 (Reuters) - The International Cricket Council (ICC) has suspended Galle stadium curator Jayananda Warnaweera for three years after the former test player failed to cooperate with anti-corruption officials, the global governing body said on Wednesday.
Түбән Камада 13 яшьлек кыз баланы юлдан яздырган өчен 29 яшьлек ир-ат суд каршына басачак.
Читать дальше...Surveillance camera video shows a car ploughing into a service station in Sydney, narrowly missing a woman inside. Rough Cut -subtitled (no reporter narration).