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Warmer weather is around the corner, and the trails are already calling. Whether you’re planning a big backcountry trip or a simple day hike, you’ll need some dedicated hiking gear. If your hiking shoes are worn out, today is your golden opportunity to replace them on the cheap: Adidas has a sneaky discount on a pair of sturdy and comfortable Terrex hikers.
The Adidas Terrex Trailmaker 2.0 Hiking Shoe is on sale for $63, a 37% discount from its normal price of $100. The shoe has an initial 10% discount, but you can unlock the full markdown by using promo code SPORT at checkout. The shoe has impressed shoppers with its lockdown grip and all-day comfort. It comes in two colorways, and you can order it in sizes 7 up to 15. We've seen shoes like this sell out fast during Adidas' sales, so make sure to get yours ASAP.
These Adidas hiking shoes were designed for a comfortable ride and good grip when venturing off the pavement. It features a cushy EVA midsole to soak up impact forces in every step and take the sting out of long treks. The seamless mesh upper offers a close fit, and the gusseted tongue keeps dirt and rocks from entering the shoe and bothering your foot. Overlays across the forefoot protect your toes from thorns and brush. On the bottom, the Trailmaker rides on a full-length Continental rubber outsole that’s studded with chevron-shaped lugs to dig into soft ground and provide excellent footing off-road.
Adidas shoppers are raving about the Trailmaker’s performance and versatility. One called it “very comfortable and durable,” and another said it’s “perfect for all weather.”
“The shoe is breathable for hot weather wear,” they added, “as well as warm enough to walk around in snow.”
“Perfect for hiking or even a work shoe,” another shopper said. “The shoe has surprisingly good stability for such a thick foam sole. The tread has large knobs that grip well on a variety of surfaces.”
You’ll be glad to have a tough, grippy, and comfortable pair of shoes like the Terrex Trailmaker 2.0 on your feet during your next hike—and you’ll feel extra good knowing you saved a ton of cash. Trail shoes like this generally cost well over $150, so scoring this pair for just $63 is an eye-popping bargain. Don’t wait: Grab your pair today before they sell out.