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Jewish, Pro-Israel Organizations Mourn Long-Time US Congresswoman Nita Lowey

Then-US Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) speaking at a press conference in Washington, DC, July 29, 2020. Photo: Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA via Reuters Connect

Jewish and pro-Israel organizations mourned the passing of former US Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), who died due to breast cancer at the age of 87 in her home on Saturday.

A statement from Lowey’s family noted that “she was guided by the Jewish core value of ‘Tikkun Olam,’ repairing the world.”

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) called Lowey “an irreplaceable champion of the Jewish people” and “a trusted friend, colleague, advisor, and standard-bearer for the Jewish community and the US-Israel relationship.”

Ted Deutch, the CEO of AJC and a former Democratic congressman, wrote in a statement that during “my time in Congress and after, [Lowey] was an incredible mentor, and I am so fortunate to have witnessed her at work on the House floor, at home, and around the world. She made history as the first woman to chair the powerful House Appropriations Committee, and I was proud to work with her to found and co-chair the House Bipartisan Task Force to Combat Antisemitism.”

Deutch added, “Her legacy will live on not only through all the colleagues she mentored and legislation like the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act, but also in all the people her work has helped and will continue to help here at home and around the world. Nita loved AJC and the Jewish people, and I hope through our collective efforts, we, too, can help honor her memory.”

Democrat Majority For Israel (DMFI) also sent its condolences. “All of us at DMFI are mourning the passing of Congresswoman Nita Lowey, a trailblazer, a devoted public servant and a champion of the US-Israel relationship,” said Mark Mellman, president & CEO of DMFI.

“She broke barriers as the first woman to chair the powerful House Appropriations Committee and used her leadership to advance causes she was passionate about including women’s rights, social welfare, and strengthening America’s allies, like Israel,” Mellman continued. “During her distinguished career, she sponsored more than 500 pieces of legislation with more than 400 becoming law, uplifting American families.”

DMFI also noted important legislation regarding Israel that Lowey, who was Jewish, spearheaded. “Near the end of her time in Congress, she shaped and led the passage of the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA). Named in her honor, the legislation provides unprecedented levels of funding for peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians by fostering economic cooperation. DMFI was a proud supporter of this critical legislation.”

Mellman concluded with a personal note, writing that he “was proud to know Congresswoman Lowey as a client, a friend, a fierce advocate for Israel and for peace.”

In a statement to Jewish Insider, Stephanie Hausner, who was a former intern for Lower and a campaign staffer who is now the chief operating officer of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said, “[Lowey] is one of the strongest champions we’ve ever seen in Congress in terms of support for Israel, in terms of foreign aid and support for Israel.”

“She felt strongly in convictions in support of Israel and would hold firm and encourage others to also see Israel as a place of diversity,” Hausner added. “When she decided not to run again in 2020, I think we as a Jewish community lost a giant, and her shoes — I don’t know that they’ll ever fully be filled.”

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) also mourned Lowey, who the group called “a dear friend and stalwart ally of the pro-Israel community.”

“As Chair of the Appropriations Committee, she was an indefatigable advocate for the necessary resources for the Jewish state to defend itself,” AIPAC emphasized. The pro-Israel organization also pointed out that she “left a legacy for regional reconciliation” with her work on passing the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act.

AIPAC concluded, “We extend our condolences to Rep. Lowey’s family, former colleagues, and many friends throughout the world.”

The post Jewish, Pro-Israel Organizations Mourn Long-Time US Congresswoman Nita Lowey first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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