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Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Delivers With A Disappearing Act Wrapped in Espionage

Colter looks for a missing wife who's leading a double life during Tracker Season 2 Episode 13. Our review!

The post Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Delivers With A Disappearing Act Wrapped in Espionage appeared first on TV Fanatic.

Colter was back in the Big Apple, and the case of a wife gone missing from a boutique dressing room took him on quite the ride!

It wouldn’t be a Tracker hour without Colter pulling his gun out no short of three times, and the hour gets bonus points if he gets shot at!

Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 felt like one big metaphor for Colter’s life: finding out the people you love have lied to you.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

We’ve seen people disappear on this show in various manners, but seeing someone disappear from a dressing room was a rest.

Claire waltzed in and disappeared without anyone noticing, and immediately, it was safe to assume she had probably snuck out on her own.

The dressing room wasn’t exactly isolated from the rest of the store. So, for her to have been taken, someone in there would have noticed.

But if she were to stealthily wait for the right moment when no one was paying attention, it would have been easy for her to slip out of that conveniently placed backdoor.

Logan was such a nice guy; you could tell he loved his wife deeply, but he did seem a little naïve.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

That dinner story about Claire going missing for an hour made me think that maybe Claire was into something she was keeping from her husband, but what that was exactly remained to be seen initially.

As things often do on Tracker, they went south so damn fast when someone broke into Logan and Claire’s home and did a poor job of making it look like they were there robbing the place only to take Claire’s work laptop.

I had several grievances about this because, for starters, how hard is it to stage a fake robbery? Why wouldn’t you take something valuable so it doesn’t take someone five seconds to realize what you were after?

And then, if Claire was some top-level spy working with satellites and super top-secret information, why did she have a work laptop just sitting on a desk in plain view at her home?

Obviously, I am not a spy, but I feel that wouldn’t be a wise choice considering the information that was probably on there.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

The whole spy thing didn’t become clear until Colter went to Claire’s publishing company office, and there were multiple dead bodies in there.

Colter will get into the absolute weirdest situation and not even think twice about it. Because why are you walking into an office with dead people everywhere and not immediately freaking out?

Everything from this point forward got convoluted as Tracker does sometimes, though the main thing to glean here was that Claire and boss Eileen were either in on what was going on or in danger.

I had a bad feeling about Logan being left alone the minute Colter was trapped in that office, and those two men showed up. Nothing is easy for Colter, and this one looked even odder than usual.

Logan going missing felt like the next logical step in all this, but what caught me off guard was the phone call to Colter admitting he was being watched and Claire being at the hotel for Colter to find her!

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

The stars always seem to align for Colter, and this case would have gone nowhere fast if he hadn’t found Claire and convinced her to explain what the hell was going on.

Sometimes Tracker dips its too into the convoluted, and they love introducing a covert government operation!

Eileen was pretty heartless, and Claire’s emotions as she realized that Eileen betrayed everyone was pushing her to a point where it was unclear whether she would be able to follow Colter’s plan and ultimately save herself and Logan.

That tense restaurant standoff felt poised to go bad at any second, but Randy’s commentary and Colter being accosted by a man on the street trying to get him to see a show cut the tension.

This case was weird, but courtesy of Randy, a few moments had me laughing out loud.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

He brings something fresh to the series, which has been a treat.

Colter had to trust Claire with Eileen, which was a big ask because as much as Claire seemed to love Logan, it started to feel like her hatred of Eileen outweighed everything.

Plus, she needed to prolong the whole repositioning satellite thing until Colter was able to get to Logan securely because, as most of these things go, the minute the bad guy gets what they want. They no longer need to keep any hostages or accomplices alive.

When was the last time Colter had a case in which he wasn’t shot at?

It’s par for the course for Colter at this point, but it never ceases to amaze me just how easily he finds himself a few inches away from death or serious bodily harm every time he takes a case.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

Logan getting shot felt like a first, though, because we’ve seen Colter get clipped, but how often do the people he’s rescuing get injured once Colter is there to rescue them?

Logan was lucky that it wasn’t worse than a through-and-through shoulder shot, though you have to imagine Logan had a myriad of emotions running through him at that point.

He was in love and happily married, and within the span of a few days, he found out his life had lied to him from the very beginning; he was kidnapped and stuffed in a closet and then shot at.

He’s going to need some therapy because that’s an awful lot to go through.

Colter’s ability to get from one place to another so quickly must be studied because just how close was that house Logan was being held out to the office? Colter didn’t show up out of breath as if he huffed it for thirty blocks, nor do I think he had enough time to wait for the Broadway Line.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

Claire killing Eileen wouldn’t have been helpful, but she was truly at her wit’s end. She’d lost everything within the blink of an eye, and Claire will probably spend the rest of her life off the grid.

She was rightfully distrustful of those above Eileen, and with her specific skill set and the things she knew, she’d never be able to now settle into the life of a wife and barista or something.

Maybe Logan will go and meet Claire in Fiji one day, or perhaps he’ll cut his losses and start over fresh. It’ll ultimately be up to him to decide whether he can get past the deception.

Colter has experience in that. Reconciling what he thought he knew with what he’s learning about his family and his past has been an experience he’s still going through.

(Darko Sikman/CBS)

Feeling betrayed is one of the worst things you can go through.

And knowing that you were betrayed by the people who love you? Well, for some, that can be an unforgivable offense.

Tracker Notes

  • Is the government keeping tabs on Colter now? That surely won’t come back to bite in the future.
  • It took me far too long to realize that the code names of the operation’s employees were named after the planets. I just thought Neptune was a fun name at first.
(Darko Sikman/CBS)
  • How does everyone feel about Randy? I love him! I adore Bobby and am excited for him to return eventually, but Randy brings a different vibe to things that works really well. Plus, Chris Lee is hilarious and has so much charisma.

Another solid episode amid a solid season!

As always, drop any comments you may have below so we can chat!

You can watch Tracker on CBS on Sundays at 8/7c.

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The post Tracker Season 2 Episode 13 Delivers With A Disappearing Act Wrapped in Espionage appeared first on TV Fanatic.

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