PARachel Reeves wants to cut the red tape clogging up Britain’s economic engine[/caption]
Some of the greatest businesses, talented minds and best universities.
We have so much potential to be even greater.
For too long politicians have ducked the decisions needed to fulfil this promise – too timid to take on vested interests.
We can’t carry on like that.
The world is changing and we have to go further and faster to deliver on our Plan for Change kickstart economic growth.
I will go where no Chancellor has gone before to cut the red tape clogging up Britain’s economic engine and put more money into Sun readers’ pockets.
Today we are releasing businesses from excessive environmental paperwork holding back investment and failing to protect nature.
The people building the homes and infrastructure we so desperately need shouldn’t be forced to comply with hundreds of pages of special protections for bats, which go way beyond any legal requirements.
The British state has become flabby and less able to focus on the priorities of the British people.
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