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Your double chin is caused by tension not weight gain – my free tip banishes it in seconds

A BEAUTY whizz who specialises in facial massages has shared how to get rid of your double chin.

Trinh Georg, took to social media to share her top neck massages which can get rid of excess fat, make your jaw look smaller and stop headaches.

The beauty whizz shared three exercises to banish a double chin[/caption]
It can even help stop headaches too[/caption]

“The main reason why you have a double chin is too much tension in your neck,” she said.

“Too much tension in the neck, also pulls your lower face down.”

“Here’s my 3 favourite exercises for the neck,” Trinh continued.

The first exercise she showed saw her place her left arm over her head to reach the right ear.

She placed her middle finger in the centre of her ear, with the rest of her fingers above.

Looking straight ahead she then stretched her face to her left shoulder while applying pressure to the ear with her finger.

This can then be repeated on the other side too and helps to stretch out the side of your neck and chin.

For the front of the neck, the beauty whizz recommended another stretch by first placing your hands on your chest.

She said to pull down slightly to create friction and then pucker the mouth and look upwards for a big stretch.

Last but not least, she recommended using a gua sha along her face, chin, and neck to alleviate tension, promote circulation, and enhance lymphatic drainage.

Puffy face The 90-second face massage routine for a slimmer profile
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“Did you know? One of the main causes of a double chin is tension in the neck! Regularly stretching and massaging can help release this tension and create a more defined jawline,” she captioned the post.

The clip posted to her TikTok account @trinhgeorg went viral with over 508k views and 21k likes.

People were quick to thank her for sharing the massage in the comments.

One person wrote: “This neck stretch helped me so much!! I feel so much lighter. Can you recommend a stretch for trap/shoulders?”

Another commented: “Omg, this felt amazing. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much. It really works,” penned a third.

How to reverse ageing in just 2 weeks, according to royal go-to nutritionist

LONDON -based Gabriela Peacock, who has helped the likes of Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie prepare for their weddings.

She told Fabulous: “The science is evident that we all have the power to make simple life changing alterations to better our future selves – no matter what genetic hand we might have been dealt with.

“The reality is, we all sometimes indulge in unhealthy eating habits like processed foods, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, inhaling city pollutants, and even drinking water from plastic bottles – none of this is good for us. 

“All this does is promote the ageing process, but we all have the potential to change this.”

It may be hard, but try to keep away from sugary carbohydrates, because they feed chronic inflammation, which is one of the worst enemies of reversing ageing. 

Now only will you end up putting on weight if you consume them regularly, but your energy and hormonal levels will be affected and this will influence how you look and feel.

Whatever your age or state of health, it’s never too late to reverse how quickly you are ageing and embrace the energy and vigour of a younger you.

Antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, are essential in neutralising free radicals—the culprits behind premature ageing. 

Integrating a spectrum of colourful fruits and vegetables into your diet provides a potent source of antioxidants.

Omega-3 fatty acids, abundant in fatty fish like salmon and flaxseeds, are vital for maintaining skin elasticity and hydration. 

Omega-3s act as nourishment for your skin, locking in moisture and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. 

Collagen, a structural protein dwindling with age, can be replenished through collagen-rich foods like bone broth and lean protein sources. 

Meanwhile a fourth said: “Thank you for sharing this!”

“I had got a double chin and I started massaging my neck, masseter, and my double chin went away quickly! It didn’t even take many days! Fast results,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “Omg, this felt amazing. Thank you.”

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