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Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: January 10, 2025

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

For most of the day, the moon in Gemini gives off positive energy. It connects with Venus in the morning and Jupiter in the late afternoon, putting you in a sociable and generous (though perhaps not particularly motivated) mood. This is time best spent with your friends, just don’t stay out too late: The moon squares off with Saturn at night, making everyone a little cranky and potentially leading to misunderstandings.

Aries Daily Horoscope


It can be easy to assume that the people around you are ordinary, even dull; after all, most of the interactions you have with them are unremarkable. But today, try to approach people with a spirit of open-mindedness and possibility. If you go into a conversation expecting it to be boring, it probably will be, but if you assume that people have the ability to surprise you, change your mind, or send your day in a new direction, you might be proven right.

Taurus Daily Horoscope


When you don’t get what you want, you often convince yourself that it’s because you weren’t deserving of it. If only you were a better person or a harder worker, you imagine, it all would have turned out differently. But today, try to resist that kind of thinking. Sometimes things just don’t pan out, for reasons that have nothing at all to do with you. Remind yourself — as many times as it takes until it sticks — that you deserve fulfillment, and that it’s not your fault that the world makes this difficult.

Gemini Daily Horoscope


In order to play to your strengths, you first need to identify them, which isn’t always easy. You tend to downplay your gifts, assuming that the skills that come easily to you must not be worth much. Today, though, stop being so modest. You have no trouble recognizing other people’s unique talents, and it’s not arrogant or overconfident to believe that you have something special to offer, too. If your self-assurance has been flagging lately, now is a perfect time to rebuild it.

Cancer Daily Horoscope


You’re caring by nature, and you’re happy to listen to your friends, whether they need serious advice or just need to vent. However, you’re often less generous with yourself. You don’t demand perfection of your friends — you extend compassion and understanding regardless of their shortcomings, simply because you love them. So today, stop demanding perfection of yourself. You’re allowed to treat yourself with kindness, even when you’re not at your best. Don’t worry about self-improvement for now, just worry about giving yourself the gentleness you need.

Leo Daily Horoscope


You’re strong enough and smart enough to get through lots of problems on your own. But while you could manage without asking for help today, you’d end up missing out. Your friends might suggest ideas you hadn’t considered, share resources you didn’t know existed, or step in to lighten your load. Most importantly, letting others share in your struggles and your successes can be rewarding. Leaning on your community doesn’t mean you’re incapable of doing it on your own; don’t make things harder than they need to be.

Virgo Daily Horoscope


The more you think about the future lately, the more stressed you get. You worry about factors outside of your control, but also that you’re not doing enough to prepare. You fear you should be working harder, planning more carefully, climbing the professional ladder faster and more strategically. Today, try to put all of that aside. If you stop worrying about the long-term implications of everything and focus on meeting each moment with integrity, you’ll wind up where you need to be.

Libra Daily Horoscope


There are times when the best thing you can do is to stay disciplined, sticking to your plan no matter what. But today, you’ll be better off letting your curiosity take the lead. If a new subject captures your interest, give yourself permission to look into it. If an unexpected opportunity falls into your lap, don’t be afraid to say yes, even if it throws off your schedule. You aren’t giving up on your existing plans, just letting yourself have some well-deserved flexibility.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope


You tend to be slow to trust new people. Maybe you’ve been burned before, maybe you’ve just seen too much — either way, you’d rather be safe than sorry. But as important as it is to protect yourself, it’s equally important to recognize when it’s time to let people in. Today, don’t be so scared to show your soft side to the friends who have proven themselves trustworthy. It’ll bring you closer, and the newfound intimacy will be well worth the vulnerability of opening up.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope


You make an effort to treat people well, to see the best in them, to help out where you can. Sometimes, though, it feels like nobody ever reciprocates: They’re happy to receive your warmth and kindness, but too busy to give much in return. It can make you want to withdraw and start focusing solely on yourself, but try to stay generous. Although in your more pessimistic moments, the energy you put into your relationships can seem like a waste, today you’ll be reminded that it was all worth it.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope


You don’t enjoy sitting around idly; at the end of a long day, you want to feel that you’ve put in your best effort. Just remember that this doesn’t mean you have to push yourself to exhaustion. You deserve to feel good after working hard; you shouldn’t have to feel drained all the time. Today, prioritize the tasks that bring you genuine satisfaction over the ones that feel like a meaningless slog. Even more importantly, pay attention to your energy levels, and once you reach your limit, try to step back.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope


Sometimes, you don’t feel like anyone appreciates you for who you truly are. Other people seem so judgmental, and you fear that the only way to be liked is to hold some essential part of yourself back. But today, see what happens if you stop worrying about whether or not you’re “likeable,” and simply speak your mind. This won’t make you popular with everyone, but you might be surprised to find that when you stop self-censoring, people are more drawn to you than ever before.

Pisces Daily Horoscope


You don’t often shy away from unfamiliar experiences. Thanks to your curiosity and adventurousness, your life is constantly expanding outwards, and for the most part, you like it that way. But today, breaking new ground may be less satisfying than deepening your existing relationships. Instead of prioritizing new people, focus on connecting with those who are already in your life. As much as it might feel like you already know everything about the people you love, the conversations you have now will prove that there’s more to discover.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.


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