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Police hunting two more wild cats on loose near Scots village as public warned ‘do not approach’

POLICE have launched a frantic hunt for two wild cats at large in the Scottish Highlands.

Officers are desperately trying to capture two lynx after a sighting in the Dell of Killiehuntly area near Kingussie.

Getty (stock image)
Police Scotland has launched an urgent search for two lynx in the Highlands[/caption]
The wild cats are at large in the Dell of Killiehuntly area near Kingussie[/caption]
SWNS:South West News Service
We told earlier this week how another two lynx were spotted in the same area[/caption]
The animals were captured yesterday by police and animal experts[/caption]

Cops have issued a “do not approach” warning and informed locals that specially trained personnel are assisting with the search.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Around 7.10am on Friday, 10 January, we received a report of another two lynx being seen in the Dell of Killiehuntly area near Kingussie.

“Members of the public are asked not to approach the animals and officers are working with specially trained personnel to capture them.

“Enquiries suggest the sighting is connected with a release of two lynx seen in the same area on Wednesday, 8 January. They were safely captured on Thursday, 9 January.

“Enquiries are continuing to establish the full circumstances of both sightings.

“If anyone saw anything in the area or has any information then please call Police Scotland on 101.”

It comes days after ANOTHER two lynx escaped from the same location.

The sighting on Wednesday sparked a warning from police who warned locals to stay clear of the animals.

Specialists from the Highland Wildlife Park were called into assist Police Scotland with the hunt.

Cops said the animals were abandoned illegally.

Now animal welfare experts have confirmed the cats were trapped overnight and are now being cared for in quarantine facilities at Highland Wildlife Park before being transferred to Edinburgh Zoo.

The Royal Zoological Society Society has slammed the culprits for the illegal release, saying it is likely the lynx would have died in the wild.

David Barclay, manager of the RZSS Saving Wildcats team said: “We set live trail cameras near baited traps and it was a long night for our specialist keepers who were taking turns to monitor any activity.

“It was amazing to see the lynx being captured safely and humanely, which makes the lack of sleep more than worth it.

“Biosecurity laws mean the cats need to spend 30 days in suitable quarantine facilities, so we will transfer them from Highland Wildlife Park to Edinburgh Zoo, where we will further assess their health and welfare.


Previously we told how dozens of big cat sightings have been recorded in Scotland with one beast ‘the size of a Labrador’ said to have slaughtered 36 sheep.

And jaw-dropping footage captured the moment a “hybrid panther” is seen stalking through the Scottish countryside.

Or so says Gordon Welsh, 50, who was walking along the road near Blackdog, Aberdeenshire, when he spotted the animal.

While back in 2018, a teenager caused panic in Ayrshire after using a laser cutter to create a metal panther, which he then stuck in a field.

Robbie Brown, then 18, posted snaps on social media, which were shared hundreds of times, after a big animal was spotted near Sinclairston.

Police received a call about the hoax cat – and even sent out a helicopter with thermal imaging equipment to try and trace it.

“Long-term, they may return to Highland Wildlife Park, which is near where they were trapped, though it is too early to say for certain.”

David Field, RZSS chief executive, said: “We condemn the illegal release of these lynx in the strongest possible terms.

“It was a highly irresponsible act and it is very unlikely they would have survived in the wild due to a lack of adequate preparation.

“Their abandonment was reckless to the animals, public the community and nature.

More to follow…

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