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When Calls the Heart Spoilers: Valley Voice Radio Hour Premieres While the National Park Stalls

On When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 2, Rosemary's radio hour premieres while Lucas struggles with his national park. Check out the spoilers!

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When Calls the Heart has entered the 1920s as Rosemary prepares for the integral hour of the Valley Voice Radio Hour.

Rosemary has always spoken her mind, but this is new territory for her.

The spoilers for When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 2 hint that the latest comic craze could be a part of that storyline.

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs)

Additionally, Elizabeth takes her children’s enthusiasm for comics and applies it to learning about nature.

Besides that, Lucas gets a mysterious visitor, which could affect the National Park. This looks like another entertaining episode.

Rosemary Needs a Story to Debate on Her Radio Show

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs)

The week’s lead story focuses on Rosemary hosting her first radio show, but she struggles to find an interesting story.

Rosemary has always strived to do great things, so she wants to prove she can also lead her own radio show.

The constant press keeps rattling her nerves since she fears the crowd she’ll get and they’ll see her fail.

In the following sneak peek, Rosemary sounds desperate but humorous as she moans that the biggest story is a pig that won a nearby county fair, which will not attract much viewership.

I suspect she discusses the comics since Florence is featured in many spoiler photos and has been outspoken about how the comics corrupt young minds.

That would be entertaining since Florence does not get enough air time, and it would be interesting since Ned supplies comics to the children.

Most of the adults, except for Elizabeth, who also doesn’t like them, seem neutral on the comics, so it would be interesting to see what kind of discussion the topic would spark.

Whatever Rosemary chooses, she’ll likely draw a large crowd since she is a natural at getting others to talk once she gets going.

We can’t wait to see how the Valley Voice Radio Hour does.

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs)

Lucas’s National Park May Be in Danger

Lucas, Lee, and Edwin working together may prove risky since Edwin only cares about politics and will likely want Lee out of the way.

Lee only agrees to accompany Lucas to Capital City because he believes Lucas has changed, but what will happen if Edwin lures Lucas back to his former ways to gain votes?

Edwin is a snake, but he has all these connections. Lucas’s downfall is that he hates making waves, so we fear someone might get hurt. Hopefully, it’ll be Edwin, not Lee.

In addition, someone else has issues with the National Park.

According to the weekly promo, Edie Martell (Miranda MacDougall) shows up at Governor Bouchard’s office and declares that there might be an issue with the National Park.

It was earlier spoiled that she inherited her uncle’s cattle ranch and interfered with Lucas over community policy.

From the promo, Edie seems like a shrewd businesswoman. She’s likely to butt heads with Lucas initially, but hopefully, they both care about helping people and can come to terms.

Elizabeth Teaches Her Class the Importance of Nature

As Lucas worries about the national park’s status, Elizabeth tries to show her class that nature is magical.

Elizabeth grows frustrated that her students have become more engrossed in reading comics, and she can’t teach. So, she needs a new way to excite them about their lessons.

As seen in the weekly promo, she takes them to the woods and has them explore, teaching them the importance of beauty and surprises in nature.

We’re unsure what they find, but Elizabeth sounds super excited.

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs)

It would be great if someone shared their findings with Lucas so he knows building a National Park is worth all this hassle.

The Importance of Finding Your Calling

When Calls the Heart Season 12 focuses more on the younger generation as they find their place in life.

This may lead to characters like Allie feeling displaced while her friends know of their plans after graduation. She connects with Oliver because it doesn’t look like many others have encouraged him.

In the clip below, Oliver gets nervous and knocks over vegetables. He seems to fear displeasing Nathan, but he looks like a good kid.


He seems like he needs to succeed, and then he’ll relax. Hopefully, once he’s spent more time in Hopefully, we’ll learn why he’s so skittish.

We haven’t seen any official spoilers or photos, but we hope Mike and Mei also return from their honeymoon in this episode. We’d love to check in with them and see their following plans.

There weren’t many spoilers about Elizabeth and Nathan this week, so we suspect she’s busy taking her class on a field and helping Rosemary prepare while Nath helps Oliver settle in.

This episode hints at a more prominent community aspect, which is always entertaining, especially when the children are involved.

(©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs)

Over to you, Hearties. What are you excited to see in When Calls the Heart Season 12 Episode 2? Are you excited about Rosemary’s radio show?

 What do you think will happen with Lucas’s National Park?

Let us know in the comments.

When Calls the Heart airs on the Hallmark Channel on Sundays at 9/8c and on Hallmark + the next day.

Watch When Calls the Heart Online

The post When Calls the Heart Spoilers: Valley Voice Radio Hour Premieres While the National Park Stalls appeared first on TV Fanatic.

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