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Good Job Interview? Here’s How to Help Seal the Deal!

Great interview! This is the job for you! Now what? Be strategic and thoughtful, as Art Markman suggests in his insightful article “4 Ways to Follow Up After a Job Interview,” published on November 5, 2020, in the Harvard Business Review.

Four Options

Always remember that your focus must be on the person who interviewed you, not on yourself, even though you may be energized about the job. Yes, you’re energized and want to do something, anything. But play it smart. Here are four ways to do so.

Way No. 1: the thank-you note. One question that’s almost always asked of you by the interviewer: Any questions you have for me? Your answer should always include, “When can I expect to hear back?” You ask this so you get a good idea of the timing of your follow-up. Make it concrete in one aspect. Otherwise, it’s just a “thanks for your time,” which does no more than fill up the person’s inbox. You aren’t moving the needle in your direction. Here’s a good illustration:

Dear [__]

Thank you so much for your time yesterday and for giving me the chance to share my interest and qualifications for [the job]. I particularly enjoyed learning about how your company has a training program for new employees that gives them an overview of different units and career paths.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Way No. 2: the follow-up note. If the date you were supposed to hear back by comes and goes, don’t panic. Again, it’s about them, not you. Wait a week, and send a follow-up note reiterating your interest and saying something positive about the company. Markman suggests this:

I wanted to follow up on my interview for [name of the position]. I enjoyed our discussion and getting to know more about the company. Of the companies that I have engaged with, I was especially impressed with your commitment to employee training and development. This growth mindset is a good fit for my career aims and will allow me to contribute to your organization. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.

Way No 3: developments. While you’re waiting to hear, there may be developments in your life. Maybe you have an article that will be published or perhaps a new patent that was granted. Let them know about it.

Or, say you’re offered another job while waiting to hear. Should you let them know? This is a tough one. You don’t want to seem as if you’re playing one potential employer against the other. I’m a bit more cautious on this than Markman.

You need to ask yourself a hard question: How badly do I want this job, and why do I want it so badly? Don’t accept barroom generalities as your answers. Only if you have good answers to the questions should you inform the potential employer about the other job offer and explain why you prefer to work for the company you’re waiting to hear from.

Way No. 4: Learn from a “no.” Every experience in life is a good one as long as you draw the lesson from it. Otherwise, it’s just something that happened to you. Here’s a secret in life: Most people will be willing to help you if you sincerely ask for their counsel and aren’t simply kissing up to them. Here’s a sample communication from Markman’s article:

Dear [__]

I was disappointed that I did not get a job offer. I enjoyed our interview and was impressed with the work the company does. [My thought: If it’s the company mission, say that if you mean it, or say something about another aspect of the company. Make it specific.] Because I am new to the job market, I was hoping you could give me some feedback on my interview. I would like to ensure that I present myself as effectively as possible in the future. Any suggestions you could give me would be appreciated.

What do you have to lose? As hockey player Wayne Gretzky remarked, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Bottom Line

Don’t despair if rejected. As I tell students, “You need to be in the water to catch the wave.” And reframe rejection as a lesson learned. (I’ve had plenty of experience—trust me!) Keep punching away.

Michael P. Maslanka is a professor at the UNT-Dallas College of Law. You can reach him at michael.maslanka@untdallas.edu.

The post Good Job Interview? Here’s How to Help Seal the Deal! appeared first on HR Daily Advisor.

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