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‘The price has absolutely collapsed’ – Mother of all gambles on Nicky Henderson’s ‘new Sir Gino’

THE price on Nicky Henderson’s potential new superstar dubbed ‘the next Sir Gino’ has ‘absolutely collapsed’ – with bookies running for cover ahead of his debut.

Lulamba has been obliterated from 25-1 to just 4-1 favourite for the Triumph Hurdle at March’s Cheltenham Festival.


Owned by Joe and Marie Donnelly of Sir Gino and State Man fame, Lulamba has been declared to make his debut for Henderson at Kempton on Saturday.


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It is hoped the weather will play ball and allow the fixture to go ahead, with jumps racing all but decimated this week amid the freezing cold snap.

William Hill had already reported a ‘sea of support’ for the four-year-old, who won his sole race in France under top trainer Arnaud Chaille-Chaille.

But nothing could have prepared Coral bookies for the onslaught they have been hit by, with liabilities racking up and up to enormous levels.

The firm’s David Stevens said: “Lulamba was put in our JCB Triumph Hurdle betting as a 25-1 shot back in November, but in recent days his price has absolutely collapsed.

“And with his backers hoping for a big performance on his British debut, Kempton’s opener takes on extra significance on Saturday.”

Speaking on what Lulamba is like, Henderson told the Nick Luck Daily podcast: “It’s hard to tell what he’s beat and though he did it nicely in France, you have no idea what was in there.

“He’s a very nice, straightforward, scopey animal.”

On comparisons to Sir Gino, he said: “Sir Gino was always very freaky, very speedy from the word go – they’re pretty different.”

Asked if Lulamba was more a chaser in time than burning up the gallop, he said: “Yes.”

Lulamba has been declared in a 2m juvenile hurdle at 12.25pm, where he will take on the likes of Paul Nicholls’ promising Listed winner Sauvignon.

Constitution Hill and Sir Gino were backed off the boards before their wins at Kempton over Christmas.

So the whispers emanating from Seven Barrows about Lulamba must be strong, despite him never having jumped a hurdle in public in Britain.

He is as short as 10-3 for the Triumph with some firms, while a general 4s across the board.

The huge money for Lulamba has forced bookies to push the price out on James Owen’s East Inda Dock and Gavin Cromwell’s Hello Neighbour.

Hendo, 74, has won the Triumph more than any other trainer with seven victories to his name.

He has world-record £1.2million jumps purchase Palladium at his yard too.

Henderson confirmed he is due to make his jumps debut soon.

Triumph Hurdle odds via Coral

4-1 Lulamba
5-1 East India Dock
6-1 Hello Neighbour
8-1 Lady Vega Allen
12-1 Palladium, Sainte Lucie
16-1 Charlus


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  • Establishes time and monetary limits before playing
  • Only gambles with money they can afford to lose
  • Never chases their losses
  • Doesn’t gamble if they’re upset, angry or depressed
  • Gamcare – www.gamcare.org.uk
  • Gamble Aware – www.gambleaware.org

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