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Gamer couple uses GTA Online for ‘wholesome’ gender reveal & people say it’s 100% better than balloon popping nonsense

FORGET forking out a fortune on balloons and decorations – one gaming couple has taken the web by storm after finding out the gender of their baby on GTA Online.

Although fans are still waiting for just about any updates about GTA 6, GTA Online will keep millions around the world going right up until launch day.

One couple has gone viral after finding out the gender of their baby on GTA Online[/caption]
The heartwarming moment the parents-to-be realised they would be welcoming a baby boy[/caption]

The online portion of GTA 5 is a huge sandbox, jam-packed with things to do, people to see, and of course, crimes to commit.

However, GTA Online is also home to a huge community of players who engage in roleplay and use it to hang out with friends – or to organise virtual gender reveals.

In what might be the most oddly ”wholesome” video from the online universe so far, one couple has used the game site for their baby’s gender reveal.

Posted on the GTA subreddit, one gaming-loving couple appeared to have ditched the balloon-popping trend and went for something a little more unique.

Waiting at a spot overlooking the virtual sea sporting fitting pink and blue outfits, the excited pair wait for a series of blue and pink planes to fly over Los Santos, a huge and sprawling metropolis in GTA Online.

Just moments later, as the parents-to-be follow the journey in real life, the planes shift to a blue colour to confirm the gender as a boy.

It was a heartwarming moment, with the woman and her partner embracing one another in a hug – and the Reddit community has reacted in kind.

“I can get behind this. No deaths. No injuries. No property damage,” wrote one social media user.

”And it didn’t cost thousands of dollars.”

“Ngl thats kinda wholesome and way better than a regular gender reveal,” another added.

Meanwhile, someone else joked that it would be all too easy for a griefer to turn up and start messing things up.

”This is a good way to do a gender reveal. No wild fires, just a shared love of GTA. Awesome,” a fourth gave the idea a thumbs-up.

Another confessed that although they desperately wanted to hate the idea, they simply couldn’t.

”Honestly, I want to talk sh*t. I can’t though. Simple, fun and entertaining enough. Well done.”

What’s the Deal with Gender Reveals & Why is Everyone Having Them?

What Is A Gender Reveal?

Gender reveal parties are celebrations where expectant parents announce the sex of their baby in a creative and often dramatic way.

These events have gained significant popularity, especially through social media.

The trend began in the late 2000s and has since exploded in popularity.

The concept was popularised by parents who wanted to share their excitement with family and friends in a memorable and engaging way.

Common Methods:

  • Cakes: Cutting a cake filled with either blue or pink filling.
  • Balloons: Popping a balloon to release colored confetti.
  • Smoke Bombs: Releasing colored smoke.
  • Piñatas: Breaking a piñata to reveal colored candies or confetti.
  • Fireworks: Using fireworks to display blue or pink colors.

Why Are They So Popular?

  1. Social Media Influence: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube have amplified the trend, with many parents posting videos and photos that go viral.
  2. Milestone Celebration: It’s an additional way for parents to celebrate a significant milestone during pregnancy.
  3. Creativity: These events offer an outlet for parents to be creative and personalize their announcement.
  4. Community Sharing: They provide an opportunity to include extended family and friends in the pregnancy journey.


  • Safety Concerns: Some gender reveal methods have led to accidents and even wildfires.
  • Environmental Impact: The use of non-biodegradable materials and fireworks can have environmental consequences.
  • Inclusivity: There’s growing awareness and sensitivity towards non-binary and transgender identities, leading to criticism that these events can be exclusionary.

Despite the controversies, gender reveal parties continue to evolve.

Some parents are opting for more eco-friendly and inclusive ways to celebrate, while others are choosing to forgo the tradition altogether.

In summary, gender reveals are a modern trend driven by social media, creativity, and the desire to celebrate milestones.

However, they also come with their share of controversies, prompting some to reconsider how they choose to share their baby news.

Previously, a mother-in-law was “slammed” for her reaction to a gender reveal.

A British couple were so excited to find out the sex of their first ever child, but the mum-to-be was left fuming after her husband’s mother ‘ruined’ the moment.

In a video shared by the @itsgoneviral TikTok account, the excited couple can be seen pulling on a confetti canon and jumping for joy when pink paper flies out of the canon, indicating that they are going to have a baby girl.

The mum-to-be turns to give her husband a hug but is taken aback when her mother-in-law barges past her and jumps on to her son, knocking him on to the sofa as she envelopes him in a tight hug.

“She’s gonna be like her nanny, she’s gonna be like her nanny”, the grandmother-to-be cries, as she continues to tightly wrap her arms around her son, whilst his wife looks visibly upset.

Fighting back tears, the wife storms over to her mother-in-law, to give her a piece of her mind.

“You just completely stole our moment”, she fumes.

“What do you mean?”, the mother in law replies.

“This is our baby, I don’t think this was right”, the wife shoots back.

“I’m excited that you’re having a baby”, the mum in law says, becoming defensive.

The wife then explains that she thinks it’s unfair that she wasn’t given the opportunity to hug her husband after such a special moment.

“He hugs you every day, like what’s the problem?” the mother in law said, unable to see an issue with her behaviour.

The altercation continued, with the husband then stepping in to defend his mum.

“Everyone’s just happy, come on,” he said, trying to defuse the situation.

“Are you a bit hormonal, do you want to go and lie down?” the mother in law then cruelly commented.

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