Trending Script·Follow6 min read·Aug 1, 2023--Google Gravity is a fun and interactive Easter egg created by Google that simulates the effects of gravity on a webpage. When you visit the Google Gravity page, the search bar, logo, and other elements on the page will fall to the bottom of the page as if they were affected by gravity. You can then interact with these elements by dragging them around the page.Google Gravity uses JavaScript to create a simulated environment where objects on the page are affected by gravity. When you move your mouse over an object, the JavaScript code calculates the force of gravity acting on the object and then moves the object accordingly.The force of gravity is a fundamental force of nature that attracts all objects to each other. The strength of the force of gravity depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. The more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull. The closer two objects are together, the stronger the forc...