The president-elect has insisted that Canadians would be better off under his rule
US President-elect Donald Trump has shared two maps on social media showing Canada as American territory. He posted the images hours after officials in Ottawa rejected his repeated claim that Canadians would be better off under US rule.
On Tuesday, Trump took to his Truth Social platform to share a map of the US and Canada as a single country, with the state border erased and the words ‘United States’ superimposed on the new entity.
He then posted an image of the territory of both nations painted in the colors of the US flag, accompanied by the words “Oh Canada.”
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Trump suggested that the US could use “economic force” to absorb its northern neighbor, whose goods he threatened to hit with harsh tariffs.
“You get rid of that artificially-drawn line and you take a look at what that looks like, and it would also be much better for national security,” Trump argued.
Canada’s outgoing prime minister, Justin Trudeau, wrote on X that “there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell that Canada would become part of the United States.”
Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the opposition Conservative Party, similarly said that “Canada will never be the 51st state.”
Despite the rejection of Trump’s proposal to absorb America’s northern neighbor, politicians in Ottawa have stressed the importance of maintaining good bilateral ties as Canada enters election season. Trudeau announced earlier this week that he would step down as prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party, due to his shrinking popularity.
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