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Biden Gave Radical Abortion Groups $1.2 Billion in Taxpayer Funds

Since taking office in 2021, the Biden administration has funneled at least $1.23 billion into a handful of pro-abortion groups from American taxpayers—much of which went to loosening abortion laws and encouraging abortions overseas.

Two federal laws—the Hyde and Helms Amendments—are supposed to bar federal funds from subsidizing abortions either in America or overseas. Yet Democrats have poured billions of dollars out of the federal government to groups that actively lobby against abortion restrictions, or even provide abortions on destitute Africans. All oppose the Hyde and Helms Amendments—sometimes lobbying for their overturn with taxpayer dollars.

White Supremacy Through Abortion

At $145 million, the biggest recipient of Biden lucre is Pathfinder International, a little-known Massachusetts nonprofit I exposed in 2020 for using U.S. taxpayer money to push “family planning”—a term that covers both contraception and abortion—in destitute African, Asian, and Latin American countries.

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In total, Pathfinder’s received $1.2 billion in U.S. government funding since 2008, virtually all of it through the agency responsible for foreign aid, the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID.

Pathfinder brags that it “expands access to sexual and reproductive health services” and “works with local partners to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights, climate resilience, and women’s empowerment arounds the world.” That includes “transforming harmful gender norms” and “changing the policies, structures, and systems that hold women, girls, and people of all genders back.”

Sexual and reproductive rights explicitly include abortion access under the euphemism “family planning,” a term invented in the 1950s by Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger to market abortion, contraception, and mass sterilization.

Pathfinder engages in advocacy with “policymakers . . . to put policies, laws, and funding in place to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) around the world.” It’s particularly active in Africa, where Pathfinder lobbies in 12 countries including Kenya—where abortion is outlawed in almost every instance—and Nigeria, which outlaws abortion under the constitution’s guarantee that “every person has a right to life” and “the life of a person begins at conception.”

In the U.S., Pathfinder has lobbied against the Hyde Amendment, writing in a 2015 letter to the Obama administration that the amendment “impose[s] arbitrary, harmful restrictions on the use of federal funds to provide abortions.

We oppose such restrictions because they penalize and disproportionately harm the health of low-income women who rely on federal programs to meet their health care needs. Every woman should have access to comprehensive, quality health care including abortion services, regardless of her income or type of health care coverage. The Hyde amendment and other similar policies restricting abortion coverage unacceptably interfere with women’s personal medical decisions and continue to have the greatest negative impact on women of color, immigrant women, and young women – groups that already experience unintended pregnancy at higher rates due to a lack of resources and services.

Until May, Pathfinder was headed by healthcare insurance executive Lois Quam (2023 salary: $523,000), a major donor to Democrat politicians, including $50,000 to the Kamala Harris Victory Fund and $25,000 to the Hillary Clinton Victory Fund. Before 2017, Quam was a senior advisor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and headed President Obama’s $63 billion Global Health Initiative under then-Sec. of State Clinton.

Notably, Quam was founding CEO of Ovations, a division of UnitedHealth Group, whose CEO Brian Thompson was gunned down by a radical Left assassin in December. Now she’s president of Blue Shield of California.

I’ve traced Pathfinder International’s origins back to Clarence “C.J.” Gamble, one of Margaret Sanger’s most devoted admirers and an early Planned Parenthood board member (under its original name, the American Birth Control League). Gamble, who inherited the Procter & Gamble soap fortune, used his vast wealth to advance eugenics: the pseudo-science of “beautifying” humanity by sterilizing the “unfit.”

“Unfit” included black Americans, the target of Sanger’s infamous “Negro Project of the South,” which Gamble helped devise. Some have argued that the project’s goal was to exterminate black southerners, whom Gamble called the “uneducated masses,” by paying black preachers to encourage their flocks to use birth control and ultimately reduce the black population. In 1938, for instance, North Carolina contained just 3 percent of the American population but 13 percent of its birth control clinics.

Depopulating the Earth

Biden steered another $563 million to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), vastly more than the $243 million Obama gave the group from 2009–2017.

UNFPA is the United Nations’ arm for loosening poor countries’ abortion laws while encouraging birth control and girls’ education, which liberals believe will reduce population rates. I’ve documented parallels between the group’s Family Planning 2020 campaign—which received billions of dollars from the notoriously misanthropic Bill Gates through the Gates Foundation—and the eugenicist elites of the mid-20th century who coined the term “family planning” as part of a larger effort to restrict, and ultimately reduce, global overpopulation.

The U.S. is the largest single donor to the UNFPA. It’s also supported by pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood and the Population Council, whose roots lie in the 1950s eugenics movement for forced sterilization in poor countries.

UNFPA’s Family Planning 2030 campaign aims to “support gender equality” and “inclusivity.” In practice, that means “addressing . . . the sexual and reproductive health and rights challenges faced by youth of all gendersbeginning at age 10 and gathering information on “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) populations.”

In April, UNFPA asked Congress for an additional $70 million “to protect global LGBTQI+ rights” for “LGBTQI+ people threatened by rising authoritarianism, closing civic space, and humanitarian crises.”

U.S. leadership – from President Biden’s commitments as laid out in the Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World (“Memorandum”) to the work of the Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons – will not be fully effective unless the U.S. aligns its political and financial commitments at this unique moment in history for the LGBTQI+ rights movement. This alignment must also be accompanied by a rejection of attempts to politicize the lives of those in the LGBTQI+ community.

. . . opponents of LGBTQI+ rights have been emboldened and anti-rights groups, including those from the United States, are pouring money into advancing global homophobia and transphobia.

That letter was co-signed by Pathfinder, Planned Parenthood, and other pro-abortion groups on this list.

Lastly, it’s worth noting how UNFPA snubbed President Trump’s victory in November:

Recently, FP2030 reaffirmed its commitment to family planning services following the U.S. elections in early November, emphasizing the need to continue prioritizing family planning, particularly for the most marginalized and excluded populations.

Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying

Essential Access Health, which received $88 million from Biden, lobbies for over-the-counter abortion drugs subsidized by taxpayers. In December, the group co-sponsored a California bill (AB 50) to “address inequities in over-the-counter birth control access, including the first-ever FDA-approved over-the-counter birth control pill Opill, for individuals insured through Medi-Cal.” It also attacked the “incoming Administration and Congress—a reference to Trump and the Republican Party—as “hostile to reproductive freedom.”

Unlike some of the other groups, Essential Health Access is unabashed in its support for abortion, saying it “believes that access to comprehensive and patient-centered sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion, is essential for individual, family, and community economic security and health and well-being.

With the United States Supreme Court’s devastating decision overturning Roe vs. Wade, the call to action to reduce barriers to abortion care when and wherever possible is urgent and necessary. The right to bodily autonomy is fundamental, and the ability to make personal decisions about our health, families, and futures should not be determined by an individual’s zip code, age, or income.

Essential Access enhances abortion care capacity and increases pathways to receiving time-sensitive and potentially life-changing – and saving – abortion services and medically-accurate information through training, technical assistance, and fund distribution.

That’s more shocking considering nearly 41 percent of the group’s 2023 revenues ($38.6 million) came from federal grants. In 2022, the figure was 30 percent; in 2021, it was 87 percent.

(READ MORE: Abortion “Rights” Wasn’t the Smash Hit Dems Thought It Would Be)

Aborting Africa

Population Services International (PSI), which received $91 million from the Biden administration, is part of what I’ve termed the “empire run on sex”—a bizarre and cynical project to generate money from Adam & Eve, a major erotica and sex toy retailer, and distribute the proceeds to encourage sex without pregnancy in poor nations, the grim “services” in PSI’s name. A sister organization named for India’s chief sterilizer in the 1960s owns distribution rights to the manual vacuum aspiration technology used to perform “uterine evacuations”—literally sucking out fetuses and embryos from the womb.

Family Health International ($97 million from Biden) is an integral supporter of the UN Family Planning 2030 campaign. While not strictly limited to abortion—the group pushes DEI policies globally—it criticized the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade:

This decision restricts the rights and agency of women and people who can become pregnant, and, as evidence clearly indicates, will exacerbate growing disparities in access to reproductive health care in the United States.

We know that when women and people who can become pregnant have control over their reproductive lives — including access to safe, legal abortion care — they are better able to maintain their health, provide for their families and build strong futures.

Shady Origins

Engenderhealth, which received $79 million from the Biden administration, began in 1937 as the Sterilization League of New Jersey. It was founded by Marian Olden, an activist with the League of Women Voters who campaign in 1935 to have the New Jersey legislature adopt eugenic sterilization legislation to forcibly sterilize the “unfit” and racially “inferior,” policies adopted in Nazi Germany.

The league’s founding constitution stated its mission as lobbying for legislation “to provide for the improvement of the human stock by the selective sterilization of the mentally defective and of those afflicted with inherited or inheritable physical disease” and study “the mental and physical defects . . . [which] impair the racial stock.”

Today Engenderhealth lobbies to overturn the Helms Amendment, which bars U.S. foreign aid from being used to fund abortions overseas as part of the Repeal Helms coalition.

Planned Paganhood

Then there’s nation’s largest abortion provider: Planned Parenthood and its associated chapters, which received $46 million from the Biden administration.

In recent years, Planned Parenthood has quietly transformed into the nation’s second-largest transgender hormone provider, particularly targeting young people in America’s cities with feminizing hormones to kids as young as 16. It also helps arrange transgender surgeries with allied groups.

Dobbs Will Never Be Enough

The new Republican Congress and President Trump must recognize that overturning Roe v. Wade was not and will never be enough. Simply returning control of abortion policy to the states doesn’t make the federal government neutral on abortion—not when the United States pours hundreds of millions of dollars out each year to groups that demand an immediate, unlimited right to butcher the unborn in this and every country on earth. Until that money spigot is cut off, the Left is still in the driver’s seat for the entire country—and we’re all culpable for that terrible sin.

Yet Christians cannot forget their God-given duty to fight this satanic death cult beyond abortion “neutrality.” A godly nation doesn’t treat murder as a private matter of conscience—it crusades against it as a Christian nation’s duty to obey God. May we live to see a generation arise that understands its duty to Him.

LifeNews Note: Hayden Ludwig is the Managing Editor of Restoration News an Director of Policy Research at Restoration of America.

The post Biden Gave Radical Abortion Groups $1.2 Billion in Taxpayer Funds appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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