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Does steering failure mean a Mayday call?

James Stevens considers a problem sent in by a Yachting Monthly reader who asks if steering failure means a Mayday call?

Sue is owner of Skua, a 40-year-old 10-metre GRP sloop with tiller steering. Sue has owned Skua for about 20 years and has sailed regularly, usually across the English Channel. She has three crew who sail with her. They know the boat and get along well as friends and crew.

They are returning to Falmouth from a voyage to South Brittany. They are currently about 40 miles from Falmouth, just over halfway from the North Brittany coast. The weather is fair and the wind is westerly, between 10 and 15 knots on the beam.

The forecast is for the weather to stay fine, but the wind will increase to 15 to 20 knots later.

However, there is a problem. As the passage has progressed, the steering has become progressively stiffer to the point where it requires considerable strength to steer. Sue has tried squirting oil down the sides of the rudder stock, but to no avail, and the problem has become worse. She has set up a block and tackle to enable her to apply enough force to steer, but it is very cumbersome to use.

Sue is a former dinghy instructor who knows how to steer a boat by using the sails without, of course, the added effect of heeling to alter course. Falmouth has a south-facing harbour entrance that’s a mile across, and although there is a well-marked rock at in the centre, it is navigationally easy to enter.

Is this a Mayday situation?

Does steering failure mean a Mayday call?

They are not in grave and imminent danger at the moment. At 40 miles they are probably just at the limit of VHF range to the coastguard, so it would be worth notifying them.

Using the sails is the easiest way to steer, but it is dependent on a smooth sea state, the helm fixed in the midships position, and luffing the mainsail slightly to counteract the slight weather helm when both sails are drawing. It is possible on a reach, but realistically, it is not very accurate.A number of other solutions could be tried including using the spinnaker pole as a rudder by pivoting it over the transom.

A grating can be secured to the end in the water to improve its effectiveness. Another possibility is to attach a bucket to a bridle secured to the aft cleats. By adjusting the length of the bridle each side, the drag on the bucket could be used to adjust the yacht’s heading.

While these solutions work in sheltered water, it would be difficult to aim for a harbour, even one a mile across, in a fresh breeze.

Therefore, before the wind freshens, the best answer would be to contact the Coastguard and seek advice. The Coastguard can try and identify a friendly vessel which could provide a tow. The helm needs to be exactly amidships.

If there is no suitable towing vessel the coastguard may well request a lifeboat. It would be a long tedious tow for them, so appropriate thanks to the vessel or lifeboat station would be welcomed.

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The post Does steering failure mean a Mayday call? appeared first on Yachting Monthly.

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