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Help us come up with The A.V. Club's 11 Questions for 2025

It's time to revive another tradition—we're bringing back 11 Questions after a three-year hiatus. (Don't worry, we'll continue to introduce new series, interview and otherwise, throughout the year as well.) As we've always done, we're asking you, the A.V. Club readership/commentariat, to help us build the list of questions we'll be asking our favorite musicians, actors, writers, comedians, and more. 

Esoteric questions are welcome, as well as some more general ice breakers, but please be sure to avoid repeating past queries (see below). You can absolutely suggest multiple questions, but please post a separate comment for each one. Also, make sure to upvote the questions you like or want to see in the feature, so we can track which ones are breaking free of the pack! To help get things rolling, we've included the different sets of 11 Questions we’ve asked over the past decade. (N.B. In the early years of 11 Questions, we didn't always pose the exact same questions to every participant, so if you do some digging, you might notice some variety.) And if you're new to the format, here are some examples from 2021, 2020 and 2019.

2014's 11 Questions:

What’s the worst job you ever had?

What did your parents want you to be?

Who would be your pop-culture best friend?

What game show would you be good at?

How would your enemies describe you?

What’s on your DVR?

What was your first big “grown-up” purchase?

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

What’s the worst living situation you’ve ever had?

Who could you take in a fight?

Do you have anybody’s autograph? (If not, whose would you want?)

2015's 11 Questions:

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

When did you first feel successful?

If you were a supervillain, what would your master plan be?

What were you like as a kid?

Who was your celebrity crush when you were younger?

If you had entrance music, what would it be?

What have you done so far today?

Have you ever been mistaken for another celebrity? If so, who?

If you had to find another line of work, what skills would you put on your resume?

Do you collect anything? If so, what and why?

What would your last meal be?

2016's 11 Questions:

What’s a question you wish an interviewer would ask you?

If you could ride a giant version of an animal to work every day, what animal would it be?

What movie have you seen the most?

What’s a stupid thing you incorrectly believed for a long time?

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever heard about yourself that isn’t true?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

What was the first concert you went to?

What’s the most interesting opportunity you’ve gotten through your work?

What embarrassing phase did you go through?

Have you ever stolen anything? What?

Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever met?

2017's 11 Questions:

If you could spend the rest of your life inside one movie or TV show, which would it be and why?

Do you have a favorite swear word or phrase? How often do you use it and in what circumstances?

How did you spend your last birthday?

What’s the worst professional advice you’ve ever received?

If you were a medical doctor, what kind of doctor would you be and why?

What’s your perfect Sunday?

What do you get snobby about?

What book have you read the most?

What are you afraid of?

What are you a big fan of that we wouldn’t necessarily guess that you’re a big fan of?

What advice would you give to your younger self?

2018's 11 Questions:

What makes you optimistic about the future?

Which single work of yours do you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved?

What was the first album you bought with your own money?

Do you believe in ghosts? Tell us why! (If no, why not?)

If you’re only allowed one condiment the rest of your life, which would you choose?

In what type of social situation are you most uncomfortable?

What was your dream job when you were a kid?

What do you watch when you’re in a hotel?

Do you think art should be separated from the artist?

What’s the most difficult professional decision you’ve ever had to make?

If you had to stay one age forever, what would it be and why?

2019's 11 Questions:

What’s your favorite fast food menu item?

If you could re-live an event or moment in your own life, what would it be?

Who’s your favorite fictional villain?

What’s a line from film or television that you’ve incorporated into your personal vocabulary?

Who would play you in the movie of your life?

What’s a movie that you’ll always stop and watch if you’re flipping channels?

What possession can you not get rid of?

What specific skill would you bring to a post-apocalyptic society?

Who is the most underrated person in your industry right now?

If you could be in any band, past or present, which one would it be?

What would you do during The Purge?

2020's 11 Questions:

If you made a candle, what would it smell like?

What’s your favorite album from high school?

What conspiracy theory do you think is most plausible?

What’s the first time you were disillusioned by politics?

Who would you call if you needed help burying a body?

What’s your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?

If proximity to your industry were a moot point, where would you most like to live and why?

How did you learn about the “Birds and the Bees”?

What’s the pettiest hill you’re willing to die on?

What pop culture or art do you turn to when you’ve had a bad day?

If you could find out the day you’re going to die, would you?

2021's 11 Questions:

What is the best trip or outing you remember as a kid and what made it great?

What’s something that’s considered a basic part of your current career that you struggled to learn?

Did you pick up any new skills, hobbies, or get into something you hadn’t before during quarantine?

What restaurant do you not live near, but make a point to hit every time you’re in the right town?

What futuristic technology that doesn’t exist now would you like to have?

What famous person that you’ve met has lived up to or exceeded your impression of them?

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

What fictional family would you like to belong to?

What’s the first piece of art or earliest piece of media that inspired you to go into your field?

Who is the funniest person you know personally?

If a deli named a sandwich after you, what would be on it?

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