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CES 2025 highlights: What weve seen so far

Mashable is on the ground at CES 2025, covering the latest consumer tech has to offer. The team is expecting big announcements for EVs, TVs, gaming upgrades, smart home devices, and lots and lots of AI-powered gadgets.

Check here for the most noteworthy highlights updated regularly, from the wacky to the "wow" and everything in between.

TVs with AI are popular at CES 2025

Two major themes collide for CES 2025: AI and TVs. Samsung's Neo QLED, OLED and QLED, and The Frame models and LG's OLED evo lineup are packed to the gills with AI features to optimize audio/video settings, recommend content, and personalize your TV experience. Plus, both Samsung and LG have partnered with Microsoft to bring Copilot integration to their respective models. Google also unveiled its new TV operating system at CES, promising to bring its Gemini AI to TVs. TBD on whether AI features on TVs become useful tools or gimmicky bloatware, but expect much more of this to come.

Samsung unveils Vision AI, a suite of AI-powered features for its TV lineup. Credit: Samsung

LG StanByMe 2 portable battery-powered TV

LG's battery-powered, 27-inch, $999 TV in a briefcase went viral last year for being a convenient and budget-friendly way for road trippers to watch TV anywhere. This year, LG announced StanByMe 2, an update from the previous model with longer battery life (four hours from three hours) and higher resolution (1440p from 1080p). Availability and pricing hasn't been announced yet.

An electric spoon that makes things taste salty

Kirin's Electric Salt Spoon definitely falls in the wacky category of CES offerings. By sending an electric current through the spoon to your tongue, it makes your tastebuds think you're eating something saltier than it is. Mashable's Matt Binder did a hands-on, er, "mouth-on" (sorry) and confirmed that it works. A useful gadget for someone trying to consume less salt, although sadly it's currently unavailable in the U.S.

Robots, robots, robots

Robots are another mainstay you can expect to see at CES, and this year hasn't disappointed. So far we've seen a robot-lamp hybrid from Jizai that looks like the Pixar mascot, a robot called R2D3 from OpenDroids that tackles household chores, an adorable, furry, animatronic monster, and the Roborock Saros Z70 that's a vacuum robot with a robotic arm for picking up obstacles in its path, like socks. Unfortunately, Dreame's X50 Ultra didn't exactly end up being the "stair-climbing" robot vacuum it was pitched as.

A dyslexia-friendly monitor

French startup Lili for Life has engineered a monitor to help people with dyslexia, by addressing the underlying problem of overlapping "mirror" images caused by dyslexic people having two dominant eyes. Mashable's Chance Townsend explains how it works: "The Lili screen emits nearly imperceptible light flashes that correct this overlap by creating a shift in visual perception. This innovation makes reading smoother, faster, and less tiring, enhancing text comprehension and making the experience more enjoyable for the reader, according to the company."

This monitor addresses the underlying challenges for people with dyslexia. Credit: Mashable / Chance Townsend

Nvidia GeForce RTX 50-series rumored to be announced Monday

Anyone following AI news or gaming innovations is highly anticipating Nvidia's Jan. 6 keynote. The GPU-manufacturer that powers AI models and gaming engines is expected to unveil its GeForce RTX 50-series. Mashable's Alex Perry has the details, but the TL;DR is it's supposed to be really fast and powerful. Stay tuned today's announcement at 6:30 p.m. PST/9:30 p.m. EST.

A Switch and a gaming laptop had a big Acer baby

A supersized competitor to the Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch, Acer's Nitro Blaze 11 was announced Monday. The Taiwanese tech company's latest handheld PC has a few features to give it an edge over its fellow portable gaming devices; Mashable's Haley Henschel went hands on with the Nitro Blaze 11 at CES and got up close with that massive screen and detachable controllers — and found out just how much you'll have to hand over for one.

It's a whopper. Credit: Haley Henschel / Mashable

Samsung won't let you escape the smart house

Not content to keep its CES AI reveals to TVs, Samsung showed off its latest Bespoke AI smart appliances, leaving reporters in no doubt that the company wants to use smart technology to power just about everything in your home. In a flashy showcase that Mashable's Chance Townsend checked out, Samsung showed off an ecosystem of devices, the result of a team-up between Samsung Knox, Bixby, and SmartThings — everything from fridges to ovens, air conditioners to washing machines, all powered by AI. Notably, Samsung, Google, and Apple have signed onto a new universal certification for smart home devices.

It's not the Ultrahouse 3000 but getting close... Credit: Chance Townsend / Mashable

An AI nature camera wants you to be besties with your backyard plants

If you want to really get to know the goings on in your backyard, an AI-powered nature camera called the Petal was revealed by the Bird Buddy smart bird feeder on Sunday. Mashable's Haley Henschel met this frankly adorable device, which can send images and videos of your yard to your smartphone.

LOOK AT IT. Credit: Haley Henschel / Mashable

Mashable is on the ground live at CES 2025! We’re covering all the wildest and most important developments this week, so please keep checking back in with us. Want to submit a product you represent for our teams’ consideration as we identify the Best of CES? Here’s more info on how to do it.

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Таких квартир я еще не видела. Смотрите, как живут на 20 квадратах на окраине Москвы

Американец, приехав в Россию, признал ошибки миллионов сограждан. Что его удивило больше всего?

БК «Пари НН» сыграет в матче за золото в «Финале четырех»

Более 1 тысячи пассажиров ожидают вылета в Норильске из-за задержек самолетов

Музыкальные новости

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Новости России

США не поддерживают новых санкций Евросоюза против России

В школах Кирова планируют попробовать внедрить «шведский стол»

Более 1 тысячи пассажиров ожидают вылета в Норильске из-за задержек самолетов

БК «Пари НН» сыграет в матче за золото в «Финале четырех»

Экология в России и мире

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Карточка Артиста. Карточка артиста яндекс. Карточка артиста яндекс музыка.

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Топ новостей на этот час


Американец, приехав в Россию, признал ошибки миллионов сограждан. Что его удивило больше всего?

БК «Пари НН» сыграет в матче за золото в «Финале четырех»

"Приличный морозец" ждет жителей Центральной России, предупредил Вильфанд

В школах Кирова планируют попробовать внедрить «шведский стол»