The US should step in and “liberate” the Brits from their “tyrannical government,” the billionaire has suggested
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has continued to spar online with the top British leadership, suggesting Washington should become involved and “liberate” the Brits from their supposedly “tyrannical government.”
The billionaire conducted a poll on the idea on Monday on his social media platform X, asking users whether “America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government.” The proposal got a positive reception, with nearly 59% of respondents backing it. More than 1.4 million people voted on the issue in less than 12 hours.
The apparent regime-change suggestion comes amid a continuing attack launched last week by the US-based billionaire against the top British leadership. Musk has targeted British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, accusing him of failing to tackle the grooming-gangs issue and to properly investigate numerous assaults on underage girls at the time the incumbent PM headed the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service, from 2008 to 2013.
The grooming gangs, involving men of predominantly Pakistani origin, have been active in the UK for decades, engaging in the rape-torture of vulnerable girls. According to multiple independent inquiries, the authorities have shown a systemic failure to properly investigate the crimes or to bring the perpetrators to justice.
According to three separate reports, in 2013, 2014, and 2015, local politicians and police alike covered up the industrial-scale rapes, partly due to fears that identifying the suspects would be ultimately seen as “racist.”
Apart from repeatedly attacking Starmer, whom Musk accused of being “complicit in the RAPE OF BRITAIN,” urging him to resign and face criminal charges, the billionaire also sparred with the press, claiming it has been complicit in covering up the issue of the rapes. The British media “hid the fact that a quarter million little girls were – still are – being systematically raped by migrant gangs in Britain. They are beneath contempt. Despicable human beings,” Musk wrote.
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