Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and Hindi poet Kumar Vishwas is in the eye of the storm recently for his comments about Bollywood stars Saif Ali Khan and Kareen Kapoor’s son Taimur. In a viral video, Vishwas can heard targeting Saif and Kareena’s choice of name for their elder son, sharing his name with a Mughal tyrant king.
“There are so many names that you could have chosen. But you named your child after that rapist. Now, if you want to make him a hero, we won’t let him become even a villain. India has awakened after 75 years,” Vishwas is heard saying in the viral video.
But this is not the first time that the AAP leader and poet has targeted a celebrity. A few years back, Kumar Vishwas had aimed his barbs at Indian tennis legend Sania Mirza after her marriage to Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik.
In a viral video back in 2011, Kumar Vishwas can be heard saying, “Last year our tennis player Sania Mirza got married. I don’t have any objection to Sania’s marriage but I have objection to the fact that Sania earned her name and reputation (‘Shohrat’) from India and chose her husband (‘Shohar’) from Pakistan. I sent her a SMS too, saying that if you want a ‘hitter’ we have Yusuf Pathan in India, why are you going so far”.
Kumar Vishwas had also targeted Sania Mirza with filthy remarks when she got married with Shoaib Malik.
Kumar Vishwas is an example of typical upper caste Hindu men filed with hate and Islamophobia.pic.twitter.com/qFUr24MEhS
— Waquar Hasan (@WaqarHasan1231) January 5, 2025
On April 12, 2010, Sania Mirza had got married to Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik in a Hyderabadi Muslim wedding at home. Their ‘walima’ was held in Sialkot, Punjab. Sania and Shoaib had one son, Izhaan Mirza Malik, back in April 2018.
The couple got separated and divorced in January 2024 with Shoaib Malik going on to get married for the third time to Pakistan TV actress Sana Javed. Sania, who has retired from international tennis in 2023, shuttled her time between Dubai and Hyderabad for the upbringing of their son Izhaan.
Meanwhile, fake and AI-generated pictures of Sania Mirza with Indian cricketer Mohammad Shami have recently gone viral on social media.