Join eWeek at 2 PM Eastern/11 AM Pacific on Tuesday, January 28, for a lively, in-depth discussion of the emerging technology of agentic AI as eWeek Senior Editor James Maguire moderates our next monthly TweetChat on the X platform (formerly Twitter).
A panel of industry experts will discuss and debate all aspects of agentic AI, a technology that enables AI bots to perform a wide array of tasks. Our aim is to offer thought leadership that enables companies to more effectively strategize as agentic AI plays an ever greater role in the workplace.
Here’s what you need to know to participate in the eWeek TweetChat.
The list of experts for this month’s TweetChat currently includes the following:
Please check back for additional expert guests.
The questions we’ll tweet about will include the following:
The chat begins promptly at 2 PM Eastern/11 AM Pacific on January 28. To participate:
Remember: You must manually include the hashtag #eweekchat for your replies to be seen by the TweetChat panel of experts.
That’s it—you’re ready to go. Be ready at 2 PM Eastern/11 AM Pacific to take part. Note that there is sometimes a few seconds of delay between when you tweet and when your tweet shows up in the #eweekchat column.
January 28: Agentic AI Trends and Best Practices
February 25: Data in 2025: Optimizing Data for Competitive Edge
March 25: How to Select an AI Vendor
April 29: Future Cloud: New Directions in Cloud Computing
May 27: AI and Cybersecurity
June 24: The Costs of Tech: Data, Cloud, AI
*All topics subject to change
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