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‘Alter Ego’ author Alex Segura recommends this one book all the time

Alex Segura is a comic book writer and author of the acclaimed novel “Secret Identity,” the Pete Fernandez mystery series and books set within the Star Wars and Marvel universes. In 2024, he co-wrote a sci-fi espionage novel, “Dark Space,” with Rob Hart. Correspondent Diya Chacko spoke to Segura about his standalone “Secret Identity” sequel, “Alter Ego,” and he answered the Book Pages Q&A about his reading life. 

Q. What was the first book that made an impression on you?

It was probably a kids’ illustrated version of “Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles.” I  was maybe six or seven when I read it, and I felt really proud because I figured out who the killer was. It really set me down the path of learning about mysteries, and the idea that you have to give readers enough for them to figure it out on their own (or at least, respect the process). I’m not a fan of mysteries that pin everything on a butler that readers met for two pages in chapter one. I want to feel like the clues are there, that I have enough information for me to solve the mystery on my own.

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Q. Is there a person who made an impact on your reading life?

My parents and my grandparents were supportive, in that they didn’t really filter what I was reading. I try to do that with my kids, too. Obviously, I wouldn’t let them read something completely out of their age range, but I don’t overthink what they’re reading. My parents were like that, too. I don’t know if it was by design or if they were just happy that I just sat and read for hours without any kind of drama.

I also had this middle school librarian who would let me check out new books every day with no limit – she would just let me leave with stacks and stacks of books. I think it was at that point I felt like the world opened up to me.

Q. What are you reading right now?

I’m just looking at my Goodreads. I’m not an active Goodreads user. I actually tell authors not to be on Goodreads if they can help it. I’m reading “The Name of This Band Is R.E.M.: A Biography” by Peter Ames Carlin. He has a really great style and I really love R.E.M., so I’m enjoying it.

I also just started reading “The Age of Acrimony: How Americans Fought to Fix Their Democracy, 1865-1915” by Jon Grinspan. It’s a history of the post-Civil War period leading up to 1915, which parallels a lot of things thematically with what we’re about to experience now politically, in terms of partisanship and polarization. It’s really fascinating. I find great comfort in history to give me context and nuance about what we’re experiencing.

For fiction, I’m reading a horror novel, “Our Wives Under the Sea” by Julia Armfield. To me, it’s very much about the meta idea of long-term relationships. It’s about this queer couple and it’s, you know, it’s a slow burn. I’ve found it really fascinating, and really well-crafted.

Q. What’s next on your reading list?

Probably “The Power Broker,” by Robert Caro. I’ve never read the book, mostly because it’s like a huge door stop, it weighs a ton. But I ended up picking up the ebook when it came out for its 50th anniversary, so I’ll read that next.

Q. Is there a book you always recommend to others?

If someone comes to me asking about a book with noir elements, I’ll always hand them “Dare Me” by Megan Abbott, which is a great example of how any book can be a noir novel, even a book about cheerleaders. It’s so unexpected, but also so compelling – no one writes characters like Megan does and it’s just one of my favorite books.

Q. Is there any moment from a comic book convention or book event that stands out in your mind?

There’s one convention moment that stands out in my mind. It actually happened at New York Comic Con this October. Someone approached my table dressed as Spider-Man 2099, one of the characters I wrote for my “Spider-verse” novel. She told me that that book was her favorite book, and it made her want to write. It was really heartwarming. It was a reminder that, yes, writing is a solitary business of typing and tapping away in isolation – but people read and are affected by these stories.

I had a similar experience at a reading at Joe’s Pub in New York. One of the attendees was a Cuban immigrant who came to New York in the 1970s and she could relate very much to the character Carmen in my book, “Secret Identity.” You know, it’s validation. It means you did the research right. It means we should keep trying to tell stories about diverse people and diverse groups, because you never know when you’re going to see yourself in the story, and that’s so valuable when it happens.

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