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Supporters of Menendez brothers’ re-sentencing to meet with new DA Nathan Hochman

A family-led coalition trying to secure re-sentencing for Erik and Lyle Menendez, who are serving life sentences without parole for the 1989 shotgun slayings of their parents in their Beverly Hills mansion, will meet Friday with Los Angeles County District Attorney Nathan Hochman.

Friday’s meeting with the Justice for Erik and Lyle Coalition will include more than 20 members of Jose and Kitty Menendez’s family, who organizers say are united in their support for a new sentence that “reflects Erik and Lyle’s abuse, trauma, and demonstrated rehabilitation over the last 35 years.”

Former District Attorney George Gascón, who was soundly defeated by Hochman in November’s election, had expressed support for re-sentencing, but Hochman has not yet said whether he will take a similar position, saying he wants the chance to review the voluminous evidence before making a decision.

“As we prepare to meet with DA Hochman, our family is hopeful for an open and fair discussion,” the coalition said in a statement released Thursday evening. “Despite the abuse they endured as children and the unfairness of their current sentence, Erik and Lyle Menendez have spent the last three decades taking responsibility for their actions and contributing positively to their community through leadership and rehabilitation.

“During our meeting with DA Hochman, we look forward to sharing our perspective on Erik and Lyle’s immense personal growth over the last 35 years and the ways in which we plan to support them in their next chapters. We hope that this meeting will put us a step closer to spending next Christmas reunited as a family.”

Attorneys for the brothers are pursuing various avenues in hopes of securing their release from prison, contending that new evidence backs the brothers’ claims that they were sexually abused by their father.

The pair were convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life without the chance of parole for killing Jose and Mary Louise “Kitty” Menendez on Aug. 20, 1989.

During an hourlong hearing in Van Nuys in November, a judge heard testimony from two of the brothers’ aunts, both of whom pleaded for their release from prison. Judge Michael Jesic made no immediate decision, instead scheduling a two-day hearing for Jan. 30-31 to hear the various arguments in the case.

Joan Andersen VanderMolen, Kitty Menendez’s sister, and Terry Baralt, Jose’s older sister, asked for the brothers’ release, saying 35 years was enough prison time for Erik and Lyle Menendez, considering the abuse they allegedly suffered at the hands of their father.

“We miss those who are gone tremendously,” Terry Baralt, 85, testified. “But we miss the kids too.”

Baralt, who became emotional during her time on the stand, told the court that “it’s time for them to come home,” adding that the brothers “have done a lot of good things” while incarcerated.

Asked by Brock Lunsford, assistant head deputy of the District Attorney’s Post-Conviction and Litigation unit, if she knew exactly why her nephews were in prison, Baralt replied, “Absolutely. They killed their parents.”

VanderMolen, who turns 93 on Tuesday, read a statement to the court, imploring the judge to release the brothers.

“No child should have to endure what Lyle and Eric have lived through,” she said. “No child should have to live … knowing that at night, their father was going to rape them. It’s time for them to come home.”

VanderMolen said that she speaks for all members of her family apart from her brother Milton Andersen, Kitty Menendez’s 90-year-old brother, who has said through an attorney that his nephews’ “cold-blooded actions shattered their family.”

Hochman said in November that “Judge Jesic’s decision to continue the hearing on the re-sentencing motion to January 30-31 will provide me with sufficient time to review the extensive prison records, transcripts of two lengthy trials and voluminous exhibits, as well as consult with prosecutors, law enforcement, defense counsel and victim family members.

“I look forward to thoroughly reviewing all the facts and the law to reach a fair and just decision, and then defend it in court.”

Erik Menendez, 53, and Lyle Menendez, 56, both attended the Van Nuys hearing via an audio link from prison in San Diego. The brothers did not speak, other than acknowledging they were able to see and hear the proceeding.

Defense attorney Mark Geragos said after the hearing that it was “quite the moving experience” to hear two of the brothers’ aunts make “impassioned pleas with the judge to send the brothers home.”

The defense filed a petition in 2023 arguing that newly uncovered evidence bolsters defense allegations that the brothers were victims of sexual abuse.

In the court filing, Menendez attorneys pointed to two new pieces of evidence they contend corroborate the brothers’ allegations of long-term sexual abuse at the hands of their father — a letter written by Erik Menendez to one of his cousins in early 1989, eight months before the August 1989 killings, and recent allegations by Roy Rosselló, a former member of the Puerto Rican boy band Menudo, that he too was sexually abused by Jose Menendez as a teenager.

Jose Menendez was an executive at RCA Records, which signed Menudo to a recording contract.

Interest in the case surged following the release of a recent Netflix documentary and dramatic series.

The Menendez brothers’ defense team submitted papers to Gov. Gavin Newsom requesting clemency, but the governor said he would not make any decision on the request until Hochman has a chance to review the nearly 35-year-old case.

During their two highly publicized trials, the brothers did not dispute that they killed their parents, but claimed self-defense, citing decades of alleged physical and sexual abuse by their father.

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