DARTS player’s skills are undeniable – but their ages? Not so much.
When Luke ‘the nuke’ Littler burst onto the global scene at the World Darts Championship in 2023, fans were stunned to learn he was just 16.
TalkSPORT’s Andy Goldstein was sure Littler – now 17 – was in his mid-30s.
At last night’s 2024 World Championship semi-finals, fans were hit with another age-defying shock, this time from Littler’s opponent, Stephen Bunting.
People on X (formally Twitter) quickly pointed out that the 39-year-old Bunting, who lost to Littler, is just two months younger than football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo – despite looking much older.
“I cannot wrap my head around the fact that Ronaldo is older than Stephen Bunting,” one user (@Utd_T99) said.
“Just found out Bunting is 39 and now I’m not sure about anything. Genuinely thought the bloke was in his 50s,” Tom Garratt (@Tgarratt10) wrote, added.
Even more of a shock to darts fans was when a 2009 photo of Bunting resurfaced, showing him at the BDO World Darts Championship at just 23 years old.
“I refuse to believe Bunting was 23 years of age in this picture,” George (@CPFC_GEO), wrote.
Michael Van Gerwen, who will play Littler in tonight’s final, has also been subject to similar comments about his appearance in a post shared on the app.
“Darts must accelerate the ageing process somehow?” said one user (@d0mbakar) on X, while another (@PaulTreyvaud) said: “What is with darts players looking 43 years older than they actually are, 17 and 39.”
So what’s going on – regardless of the fact it is shocking to see people so successful at such as young age?
Medical aesthetics artist and pharmacist Amish Patel, Hodgson’s Pharmacy in Station Road, Kent, explains that darts, generally, has a different lifestyle compared with other sports.
“Darts is not a hugely physically demanding sport,” he said.
“So the level of exercise and the strict nutritional guidelines that other athletes would generally adhere to wouldn’t be the same in the lead-up to big tournaments.”
However, we might hold them to the same standard as other sports celebrities – such as Ronaldo – instead of the general population.
“In sports that require physical activity like football players are constantly moving, burning calories, and staying in shape, which naturally keeps you looking young,” Amish explains.
Darts players, on the other hand, don’t have to be as physically active.
“If anyone isn’t getting 10,000 steps a day or maintaining a more active lifestyle, that can show through in their physique, leading to a less trim appearance,” Amish adds.
On top of this, Darts has traditionally been a pub sport and closely connected with a drinking culture.
“This is not to say the darts players of today are drinkers,” says Amish.
“But alcohol has been linked to premature ageing.”
Alcohol can harm the body by raising the risk of liver damage, heart disease, stroke, gastrointestinal issues, and cancer.
As well as this, “chronic drinking can dehydrate the skin, reducing its elasticity, which can lead to wrinkles and a dull complexion,” the pharmacist explained.
Diets high in salt, fats, and unhealthy ingredients can also affect skin quality, resulting in oily or lacklustre skin, he said.
Littler has previously admitted to often treating himself to a kebab after his incredible wins.
But when addressing his age, Littler told talkSPORT’s Goldstein that he’s had his signature beard since the age of 14 – which would undoubtedly add to his age.
The stress and pressure that comes with competitive sport can also show up in a player’s appearance, Amish said.
Stress causes the body to biologically age quicker than it would naturally, scientists have previously found.
The same stress hormones that make you age faster also attack collagen, a protein that gives skin its firmness.
Thankfully, in the world of darts, looking young isn’t a prerequisite for success.
Players don’t need to have a chiselled physique or a fresh complexion to throw a perfect 180.
“In the world of darts, what matters is the skill, focus, and mental toughness required to perform at the highest level,” Amish said.
WHILE ageing is a privilege, who doesn't want to look a little younger?
If you don’t fancy going under the knife in an attempt to roll back the years, there are plenty of other simple hacks that can help you to look younger, without the expense and post-surgery recovery.
Stress, UV rays, booze and sugary foods as well as just general ageing can all contribute to fine lines, puffy eyes and wrinkles.
So it’s a good idea to start there, by cutting down on excess amounts of alcohol and sugar, reducing stress and always wearing SPF 30 or higher.
But if you want to maximise that youthful glow, read these expert-approved tips might just help you say hello to a younger you…