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New Orleans attack puts spotlight on inauguration security

The attack in New Orleans that killed at least 14 people has put a fresh spotlight on security plans around what is set to be an active month of events in the nation’s capital, culminating with President-elect Trump’s inauguration.

Washington will be home to three high profile events in the coming weeks: The Jan. 6 certification of election results, former President Jimmy Carter’s state funeral on Jan. 9, and the Jan. 20 inauguration and surrounding activities, including a Trump rally.

Law enforcement officials have already signaled they have robust security plans in place for those upcoming events, but the terror attack in New Orleans and an explosion outside a Trump hotel in Las Vegas has put the public on high alert.

“While we cannot comment on protective means or methods, what we can say is that we will continue to work with our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners in assessing the ever-changing threat landscape and will adjust our security plans as needed,” Matthew Young, assistant special agent in charge with the Secret Service, said in a statement. 

“Our mission is to provide a safe and secure environment for our protectees, and all individuals involved in these events,” he added.

All three upcoming events – the election certification, the Carter funeral and the inauguration – have been designated as national special security events by the Department of Homeland Security. That designation makes the Secret Service the lead agency for planning and implementing security efforts, and it frees up additional federal and local resources to ensure there is enough man-power and other safety measures in place.

There is already fencing up around the Capitol in anticipation of the Jan. 6 certification. The increased security surrounding that event comes four years after rioters violently clashed with law enforcement and stormed the Capitol to try and stop the certification of President Biden’s victory after Trump had spent weeks claiming the results were fraudulent.

Carter’s state funeral is expected to bring mourners from around the country to Washington, D.C., with Biden, Trump and other former presidents attending a service at the National Cathedral on Jan. 9.

Thousands of people are then expected to descend on Washington, D.C., for the Jan. 20 swearing in ceremony and surrounding galas and celebrations to mark the start of Trump’s second term. The day before the inauguration, Trump is slated to hold a rally at Capital One Arena, which could attract thousands of supporters.

Those events come following a tumultuous year for the Secret Service. The agency came under intense scrutiny following a July assassination attempt against Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, where he was grazed by a bullet. The agency’s director resigned amid bipartisan outcry over security lapses at the event.

Another alleged would-be assassin was arrested outside Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla. in September. The suspect did not fire any shots and nobody was hurt.

Robert McDonald, a professor at New Haven University who spent more than 20 years as a Secret Service agent, downplayed the idea that Secret Service and its partner agencies would dramatically change security plans based on the New Orleans incident.

“I think the security plan, which is already very robust, will be reviewed to make sure that all areas of the plan allow for a seamless security platform, are tight and to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks,” McDonald said.  

“I think they will check and recheck everything with the several events that you have to make sure that nothing happens of a nefarious nature,” he added.

FBI officials said at a press conference on Thursday they believe Shamsud-Din Jabbar acted alone in New Orleans in what they described as a terror attack inspired by ISIS. Jabbar, who was a U.S. citizen and served in the U.S. Army, barreled down Bourbon Street early on New Year’s Day in a rented truck, killing at least 14 people. Jabbar was later killed in a shootout with police.

The FBI at this point has not established any connection between Jabbar’s attack and an incident in Las Vegas where a man ignited a Tesla Cybertruck in front of the Trump Hotel.

Mike Waltz, the incoming national security adviser for the Trump White House, said Thursday on Fox News that he had been in contact with his counterpart in the Biden White House, Jake Sullivan, about the events in New Orleans and Las Vegas.

“They are trying to piece together information. But we're not waiting on what we're just getting from this White House,” Waltz said. “Everybody has their feelers out so that we keep President Trump as informed as possible, and I can tell you what? He is ready to go day one, 19 days to go.”

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