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Fiance ‘sunk Prosecco & sang about his manslaughter charge after ex took own life following years of abuse at his hands’

A FIANCE drank Prosecco and sang about his manslaughter charge after his ex took her own life following years of abuse, a court heard.

Tragic Kiena Dawes, 23, wrote in a tragic suicide note “I was murdered” before she died on railway tracks in Lancashire.

Ben Lack
Kiena Dawes took her own life after suffering horror abuse, a court heard[/caption]
Ian Leonard
Ryan Wellings is accused of manslaughter[/caption]

The mum also said her ex Ryan Wellings, 30, had “killed me” after she was repeatedly subjected to controlling and coercive behaviour, jurors heard.

Wellings is accused of violently abusing Kiena during their two year relationship – including once telling her: “Hitting you is like hitting a man”.

Preston Crown Court heard he shared a video on Facebook just one hour after he left a police station following his manslaughter charge.

Wellings could be seen in a car with sunglasses on as loud music blared in the background.

He said: “I’m driving around with a bottle of Prosecco.

“I have been told off an hour ago on a manslaughter charge. It’s all f****** shit.

“Angela Dawes (Kiena’s mother), you need to take the blame for abandoning your daughter and going to Greece. You are a f****** s**g.”

Prosecutor Paul Greaney KC accused Wellings of uploading the video to “intimidate” Kiena’s family and “show them who is boss”.

But the alleged killer told jurors he was sleep-deprived and had been drinking when he accidentally shared the clip.

He added: “I did not know what I was doing. I know I did wrong and did some stupid things. That’s me hurting. Being blamed for killing my kid’s mum, the woman I loved.”

In her heartbreaking final note, Kiena said she hoped the couple’s baby daughter would be “kept away from the monster who is called her dad”.

But wiping away tears, Wellings told jurors: “I’m not a monster. Never have been”.

On July 22, 2022, Kiena drove to a friend’s home and let herself in while the pal was in the shower.

She then left her nine-month-daughter inside along with the heartbreaking note, the court heard.

This read: “The end. I fought hard, I fought long. I went through pain no one could imagine.

“I was murdered. Ryan Wellings killed me. He ruined every bit of strength I had left. I didn’t deserve it.

“I hope my life saves another by police services acting faster. Don’t let bullies live free.”

Kiena then apologised to her daughter for having to “let you go” and told how the world had “turned their back on me”.

The hairdresser, from Fleetwood in Lancashire, travelled to a country lane and was later struck by a high-speed train.

Mr Greaney said her own words represented the prosecution case, that her death was caused by Wellings’s actions and he was guilty of her manslaughter.

The court heard the pair had been in an “intense” relationship for two years that was plagued by alleged abuse.

Kiena had been diagnosed with an Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, which caused increased impulsivity, poor self-esteem and difficulty in relationships.

Jurors heard Wellings exploited her condition, which played a part in the “bright and popular” hairdresser’s decision to end her own life.

He would allegedly accuse Kiena of sleeping with other people, branded her a “s**g”, threw a stool at her and told her to kill herself.

On one occasion, jurors heard he tried to strangle her with a charger cable and also smashed up the flat they both shared.

Just 11 days before the horror, Wellings also allegedly attacked Kiena in front of their daughter.

You're Not Alone

EVERY 90 minutes in the UK a life is lost to suicide

It doesn’t discriminate, touching the lives of people in every corner of society – from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and footballers.

It’s the biggest killer of people under the age of 35, more deadly than cancer and car crashes.

And men are three times more likely to take their own life than women.

Yet it’s rarely spoken of, a taboo that threatens to continue its deadly rampage unless we all stop and take notice, now.

That is why The Sun launched the You’re Not Alone campaign.

The aim is that by sharing practical advice, raising awareness and breaking down the barriers people face when talking about their mental health, we can all do our bit to help save lives.

Let’s all vow to ask for help when we need it, and listen out for others… You’re Not Alone.

If you, or anyone you know, needs help dealing with mental health problems, the following organisations provide support:

When officers arrived at the home, they discovered the mum’s head was bleeding and the bathroom towel rail had been damaged.

Mr Greaney said Kiena was in a relationship with a man who “assaulted her, bullied and demeaned her” for more than two years.

Wellings is accused of belittling the mum, encouraging her to harm herself, isolating Kiena from her friends and family and threatening to have her child removed.

He added: “It is clear, suggests the prosecution, that despite a desire to see her daughter grow up, Kiena could not take any more.”

Wellings denies manslaughter, assault and controlling and coercive behaviour.

The trial continues.

If you are affected by any issues in this article, please contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or use Women’s Aid‘s Live Chat Service and/or the support page on the website

The mum was allegedly violently abused by the defendant
She took her own life in 2022 and left a heartbreaking final note[/caption]
MEN Media
Kiena had apologised to her baby daughter[/caption]
She was allegedly attacked by Wellings just 11 days before taking her own life[/caption]
Ian Leonard
Wellings has denied the charges against him[/caption]

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