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Kansas' 'no-body' murder cases

KANSAS (KSNT) - Sometimes murder cases result in convictions despite a body never being found. In a case dating back to the 1800s, a man was executed by hanging but the victim was allegedly found later alive in Kansas.

Special Agent Michael Yoder with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports in a 2016 article that when a case doesn't have a body prosecutors must establish several things:

  1. That the victim died.
  2. That the person was murdered.
  3. The approximate time of death.
  4. That the likely location of the crime is within the prosecutor’s jurisdiction.
  5. The person responsible for the murder.

Investigators look for disruptions in a person's daily routine when someone goes missing. An abrupt, unexpected disappearance when individuals leave behind people they love, valuable items, beloved pets, important electronic devices, secure shelter, clothing and money can indicate something is wrong.

If investigators suspect foul play, a two-part investigation begins with the second part being the active recovery of the missing person, according to the FBI. However, many missing individuals are located within days of being reported missing.

About 1,700 Americans reported missing each day, with around 70% of those reported missing being found or returned within 48 to 72 hours, according to Yoder's article. The FBI noted that becoming a voluntarily missing person isn't a crime and any adult can choose to walk away from family, friends, associates and employers.

In a historic example of a no-body homicide case, Charles Hudspeth was tried twice for the murder of Rebecca Watkin's husband. Hudspeth was found guilty of murder twice and executed by hanging on Dec. 30, 1892, in Arkansas. Later, in June 1893, Hudspeth's lawyer reportedly located the alleged victim, George Watkins, alive and well in Kansas.

Former Federal Homicide Prosecutor Thomas A. (Tad) Dibiase prosecuted hundreds of murder cases over his career and found an interest in no-body murder cases after a murder case he prosecuted in 2006 in D.C. Since then, Dibiase has built a record of no-body murder trials, including several with ties to Kansas.

27 News contacted Dibiase who said he's used many methods to track no-body murder cases including working as a consultant, being sent cases by police and prosecutors, through court cases and Google alerts.

According to Dibiase's findings, the following no-body cases had Kansas involvement:

SuspectVictimTrial DateLocationResult
Brinkley, Sherrell GaryEverett BishopJune 1992Kansas City, KansasThe defendant and victim were prisoner inmates together who, upon release, began to commit crimes together. The defendant allegedly killed the victim and put his body in a 55-gallon drum and dumped it into the Missouri River.
Richard GrissomJoan Butler, Christine Rusch, Theresa Brown1990Johnson County, KansasConvicted for a June 1989 triple murder.
Brandon HowellTabitha Brewer, 16-years-old2009Kansas City, KansasThe victim disappeared in April. The victim’s purse was found burned in a dumpster. The defendant was acquitted of both murders and later charged in 2014 with three other murders
Hudspeth, Andrew aka Charles HudspethGeorge
husband of
Approximately 1886ArkansasCharles Hudspeth was tried twice for the murder of his lover’s husband and found guilty both times. The lover testified against him and the defendant was executed by hanging on Dec. 30, 1892. The alleged victim was later reported to be found alive in Kansas. There is considerable doubt about whether the victim was really found alive or not.
Pyle, Michael DuaneGolda
Kiowa CountyConvicted of an April 5, 1971 murder and given a life sentence. The case is believed to be the first Kansas “no body” case.
Stott, SamuelEsta Stott,
1944 x
County, NY
The defendant allegedly killed his wife and her lover in 1925 and then fled to Kansas City for 13 years before he was caught. He was eventually convicted of assault and larceny because NY did not permit murder charges without a body after two trials.
Trussell, JerryFranklin
Harrod, aka
El DoradoThe Defendant was convicted at the second trial of first-degree murder for the July 29, 1997, murder love triangle where the victim’s wife wanted her husband killed. The first trial ended in a hung jury despite the testimony of the victim and the defendant’s wife against the defendant.

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