Legendary former Indian all-rounder Kapil Dev has made a promise to former Indian batter Vinod Kambli, who got dismissed from Thane Hospital, that the former will visit him as soon as he can. Kambli was admitted in ICU on December 21 because of some health complications, along with the doctors later claiming for the 52-year-old to have clots in his brain.
Even though he was high in spirits, Kambli moved out of hospital as he appeared physically weak as he posed for photographs along with the hospital staff. He also played a short game of cricket.
Shailesh Thakur, the director of Akruti Hospital, stated during Kambli’s hospitalisation that he had even made a call to former Indian captain Kapil Dev whose teammates also offered their hand to help the Mumbai cricketer.
“Hi Kapil paaji how are you,” Kambli said emotionally.
“I will come and see you. You are looking good, you have coloured your beard. Don’t rush. If you need to stay (in the hospital) for a few more days, please don’t rush. Tell the doctors it is fine if there is a need to stay on for two more days,” Kapil said.
“Take care. When you will better and come out, I will come to meet you. Look after yourself, love you,” Kapil added.
“Thank you Shailesh, (for) you are looking after him. He is looking good, look after him,” Kapil said as he thanked Shailesh.
“I have been a fan of Kambli sir all my life and it was tough to see him struggling because of his health issues. We brought him to our hospital and we will also take care of his medical expenses and hospitalisation in the future,” Thakur told PTI.
Vinod Kambli had been fine in his recovery as he made significant progress after he got hospitalised. People were willing for him to recover at a decent pace, to which he came up to their expectations.
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