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Tattoo fan shows off their VERY unusual inking, but unimpressed trolls immediately compare it to ‘frostbite’

WHEN it comes to tattoos, there are very few frontiers that have yet to be explored.

But that doesn’t mean they should.

A tattoo fan has left people contemplate their decision to get “blacked out fingertips”[/caption]
While some compared it to “frostbite”, others said the person would constantly look like their hands weren’t clean[/caption]

At least, that’s what people said when one tattoo fan took to the Internet to show off their very unusual inking.

Taking to Reddit, the inked up poster delightedly shared a snap of their “blacked out fingertips”.

The design saw all five of their fingers entirely blacked out at the tip, before fading down onto the rest of the finger, transitioning into tiny dots just before the knuckle.

But those commenting on the post were mainly unimpressed with the finished results.

“Looks like frostbite,” one sighed.

“They call this, ‘My Trip To Everest’,” another joked.

“And now God forbid they ever do get frostbite, that’s one less marker to warn anybody looking after them,” a third commented.

“The style is known as ‘Give your EMT a small heart attack’,” someone else laughed.

“Well, this is a good way to scare every new doctor you have for the foreseeable future,” another said.

While someone else wrote: “As an anaesthetist I hate it!”

Others insisted the tattoo fan’s hands would forever look dirty thanks to the new inking.

“As someone who had a lot of jobs where my hands got engine/motor grease on them, it’s just going to look like he needs to wash his hands all the time,” one pointed out.

“I suppose, he NEVER has to worry about how filthy his fingernails ACTUALLY are now, since they’ll just always look filthy…” another said.

“Looks like a good way to never have to share your chips with anyone ever again, since after a week it’s gonna look like a skin disease,” a third wrote.

However, there were a select few who were on board with the unusual design.

“I like the idea and it seems very well done so it’s not s**tty in that way!” one wrote.

Which tattoos hurt the most?

Depending on what part of your body you choose to ink, tattoos can range significantly in terms of pain levels.

Some of the most painful areas are those where the skin tends to be thinner or closer to the bone.

Each area has specific factors which contribute to the level of pain.

Ribcage: Thin skin, little muscle, and many nerve endings.

Feet and ankles: Many bones, tendons, and nerve endings close to the surface.

Hands and fingers: Many bones, tendons, and nerve endings, resulting in increased pain during tattooing. Knuckles can be especially painful.

Spine: Proximity of the spinal cord and nerve endings makes it sensitive. Tattooing directly over the vertebrae can be especially painful.

Knees and elbows: Thin skin and little padding between the skin and the underlying bones.

Armpits and groin: High concentration of nerve endings and lymph nodes.

Neck and throat:  Thin and sensitive skin, with many nerve endings and blood vessels close to the surface.

Source: Tatt2Away

“But damn it will fade so easily on the bottom tips and within a year it will just look like dirty fingers and has to get redone constantly…”

“Controversial take, but I like it,” another said.

“I personally would never get it of course, but my first thought is Wanda from the MCU vs frostbite.

“I think it looks cool.

“I am generally not favourable to hand/finger tattoos, but for some reason this is cool to me.”

“I genuinely like this idea too!” a third agreed.

“And I agree that the fade would be cool, especially if you have a goth or dark witchy vibe, I can see it working.”

While someone else said: “Cool attention to detail actually, in the occult, black-stained fingertips symbolises someone who has a connection with the underworld.”

Blacked out tattoos aren’t unusual, but choosing to have one on the fingertips is[/caption]

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