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The Best Movies About Cloning From 1978 To Today

Clone movies are a relatively recent phenomenon.

In fact, the first movie to ever deal with cloning, The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler, only came out in 1971. In literary history, Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World (1932) had a dystopian vision of human reproduction called the Bokanovsky process, which is virtually a type of cloning, but Huxley never actually used the word in his book.

So when we talk about the best clone movies, we’re talking about a rather new cultural phenomena. So this list starts in 1978 and ends in 2025. Enjoy — and if you want more info, check out my more in-depth articles on clones in cinema here.

11. The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002)

In this legendary box-office bomb—it cost $100 million to make and only took in $7 million in receipts—Eddie Murphy stars in the title role as a con man who runs a nightclub on the surface of the moon in the year 2087. Pluto’s arch-nemesis is a man named Rex Crater, who, Pluto’s police detective friend Rowland (Peter Boyle) informs him, is in deep with mobsters who are involved in human cloning. It’s a rather goofy movie but is certainly amusing enough for a weekend nostalgia stream.

10. The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler (1971)

While the word “clone” is not used in the movie, it is still one of the first films about cloning. Leslie Nielsen stars as a TV reporter who uncovers an international medical blackmail scheme involving the cloning and reanimation of political leaders. It has intriguing premise, but the film from the POV of 2025 lacks the polish.

9. Dual (2022)

This sci-fi comedy takes a satirical look at cloning, with a dystopian twist where a terminally ill woman must duel her clone after recovering. Its dark humor and unique take make it memorable part of the cloning movie cannon.

8. Creator (1985)

Peter O’Toole (Lawrence of Arabia, The Ruling Class) stars as Harry Wolper, a charmingly eccentric Nobel Prize-winning scientist who has made it his life’s mission to clone his wife Nancy, who died 30 years ago, in order to provide him with a companion in the twilight years of his life. It’s a poignant and interesting film.

7. The 6th Day (2000)

Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Adam Gibson, a helicopter pilot who helps airlift wealthy skiers to remote slopes along with his friend Hank (Michael Rapaport). The film is set in the near future, where cloning is accepted for animals but illegal for humans—for example, each mall contains a store named RePet that will clone your dead pet right down to its ability to notice you and do the tricks you taught it before it died. But there’s an underground market in human cloning whereby illicit cloners can do a simple eye scan of a dead person and “syncord” their entire personality. The film explores the ethical and societal implications of cloning, making it a thought-provoking watch and super fun because Arnold Schwarzenegger, as always, is a marvel of an actor.

6. Womb (2010)

This haunting film takes cloning into deeply personal and emotional territory, following a woman who gives birth to and raises a clone of her deceased lover. Its provocative premise leaves a lasting impression.The AV Club questioned the film’s premise: “Is this oh so very romantic, or incredibly appalling?” Which should — probably — intrigue you to watch it, right?

5. The Island (2005)

A thrilling exploration of organ-harvesting clones, this Michael Bay film pairs action with an unsettling moral dilemma. While commercially successful, it’s not as nuanced as other films higher on this list but it’s a really fun ride of a film.

4. Oblivion (2013)

Tom Cruise stars as Jack, who along with Vika (Andrea Riseborough) are part of a team tasked to survey the smoldering ruins of planet Earth in the year 2077, sixty years after a conflict with aliens in which the aliens assumed and held onto the upper hand. In the course of their sojourns, though, Jack finds that there are others just like him… It’s a riveting thrill ride of a movie with a complex plot.

3. Us (2019)

Us is a chilling and thought-provoking horror film that explores identity and societal inequality through the lens of cloning. Jordan Peele crafts a haunting tale of doppelgängers seeking liberation, with unsettling visuals and standout performances. While its ambitious narrative occasionally comes of as confusing, the film’s eerie atmosphere and compelling concept make it a memorable entry in the genre. It’s a bold follow-up to Get Out, showcasing Peele’s talent for blending horror with deeper themes.

2. Moon (2009)

Moon is a rare gem in science fiction, a film that uses the genre not as a vehicle for spectacle but as a canvas to explore profound human truths. Its central revelation—that the protagonist, Sam Bell, is one of many clones created to maintain a lunar mining operation—drives its deeply philosophical narrative. By focusing on the emotional and existential impact of this discovery, the film raises profound questions about identity, humanity, and the ethics of cloning. Its intimate scale, combined with a stellar central performance, cements Moon as one of the best films about cloning ever made.

1. The Boys from Brazil (1978)

The Boys from Brazil is a chilling thriller that merges historical horrors with speculative science fiction, anchored by powerful performances from Gregory Peck and Laurence Olivier. The plot’s audacious premise—Nazi clones of Adolf Hitler being created to perpetuate evil—adds high stakes and moral complexity. With its suspenseful narrative and a chilling portrayal of Josef Mengele by Peck, the film explores the dangers of unchecked scientific ambition. Its critical acclaim and three Academy Awards solidify its place as a standout in the cloning genre.

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