Security officials in Karachi, Pakistan, announced on Wednesday, January 1, that 29 people, including two women, were injured in the city due to celebratory gunfire on New Year’s Eve. The police reported that 30 individuals were arrested in connection with the gunfire.
Emergency services and security authorities in Karachi confirmed that the injured individuals were transferred to hospitals for treatment.
Geo News reported on Wednesday, January 1, that Karachi police had previously issued a warning, stating that anyone caught firing into the air would face charges of attempted murder.
Similar to Afghanistan, people in Pakistan often engage in celebratory gunfire during special occasions like holidays, New Year’s Eve, or national events such as cricket victories. In densely populated urban areas like Karachi, such gunfire often results in casualties.
The practice of celebratory gunfire poses a significant public safety risk, as bullets fired into the air can fall back to the ground with fatal consequences. This dangerous tradition continues to cause harm despite ongoing efforts to prevent it.
Authorities in Pakistan are intensifying their crackdown on celebratory gunfire, emphasizing the need for public awareness and stricter enforcement to curb this hazardous practice.
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