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Once-in-a-lifetime ‘Blaze Star’ to burst into view ‘any day now’ – where to find new light in the sky

STARGAZERS may be able to catch the birth of a new star if they keep their eyes to the sky over the next few weeks.

T Coronae Borealis, dubbed the “blaze star”, is expected to burst into life any day now.

The Sirius Star[/caption]
The “blaze star” will assume position in a faint constellation called the Northern Crown, or Corona Borealis[/caption]

It will be as bright as the supergiant North Star, also known as Polaris, according to scientists.

But it won’t be around for long.

Light from the “blaze star” will pierce through deep space, becoming visible to the naked eye for only a couple of days before it disappears for another 80 years.

“There are a few recurrent novae with very short cycles, but typically, we don’t often see a repeated outburst in a human lifetime, and rarely one so relatively close to our own system,” said Dr Rebekah Hounsell, an assistant research scientists at Nasa.

Novae – or Nova – are the strong, rapid increase in the brightness of a star that scientists believe has been recently born.

T Coronae Borealis won’t grace skies until 2105, making it a real “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity, added Dr Hounsell.

Unfortunately, astronomers have been unable to pinpoint exactly when the new star will be visible.

However, Lord Martin Rees, the current Astronomer Royal and former president of the Royal Society and a fellow of Trinity College at Cambridge University, told The Telegraph that it could be any day now.

It may even be “slightly overdue”, he said.

The “blaze star” will assume position in a faint constellation called the Northern Crown, or Corona Borealis.

This set of stars can be found between the constellations Boötes and Hercules.

First, look for the Big Dipper, also known as the Saucepan or Plough.

Follow the curve of the ‘handle’ till you find a bright reddish star – this is Arcturus.

From that star, look to the North East on the same level and you should spot another bright star called Vega.

Halfway between these two, you will find a faint curl of seven stars – this is the Northern Crown where the Blaze Star will appear.

It will be easier to spot once the blaze star comes into view.

Of course, if you’re really struggling to find it, try downloading an astronomy app like Night Sky on your iPhone or Android.

Arcturus, part of constellation Boötes, is the fourth brightest star in the sky, and the brightest in the northern hemisphere

Tips to see ‘blaze star’

Consistency is key

The star is expected to appear suddenly, some time soon.

So avid stargazers are advised to keep checking the skies when they can.

Avoid light pollution

Avoiding light pollution and the night glow of a city is ideal.

It’s best to make your way to a more rural area – if you’re not based there already.

But don’t worry if you can’t find complete darkness, because if you can see the North Star, you will be able to spot T Coronae Borealis.

Adjust to the dark

Give your eyes time to adjust to the dark.

This way you can see the fainter stars in the Northern Crown.

Novae – or Nova – is the strong, rapid increase in the brightness of a star that scientists believe has been recently born[/caption]

All you need to know about planets in our solar system

Our solar system is made up of nine planets with Earth the third closest to the Sun. But each planet has its own quirks, so find out more about them all...

  • How old is Earth? Plus other facts on our planet
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