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9 Top Picks To Watch On TV If You're Staying In This New Year's Eve

Between the last ever episode of Gavin & Stacey, the action-packed Doctor Who special and the festive editions of Strictly Come Dancing and Great British Bake Off, it’s been a busy couple of weeks for TV lovers. 

But just when you thought your sofa shifts were over, we’ve picked out some of the best of the best New Year’s Eve watches to settle down in front of with a glass of bubbly as you ring in 2025. 

After all, with what feels like an endless slew of streaming sites to choose from, it’s not like you can easily kick back with a physical TV guide and a red pen anymore (ah, the good ol’ days). 

Here’s the best of the best...

The Last Leg Of The Year

Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker will be looking back on the year with some of our TV faves, including Sandi Toksvig, AJ Odudu and Chris McCausland (fresh from his win in this year’s Strictly final).

It being New Year’s Eve, you can expect as much (if not more) of the show’s anarchic, chaotic style as you’d usually hope for.

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 9pm on Channel 4

2) The Graham Norton Show

Graham Norton is known for getting the best talent around on his show, and that’s never more true than on New Year’s Eve.

Strictly judge Motsi Mabuse, comedian John Bishop, Oscar winner Rami Malek and pop icon Robbie Williams will dazzle on the final star-studded couch of 2024 ― and you can expect a song from Robbie too.

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 10.25pm on BBC One

3) Jools Holland’s Annual Hootenanny

It’s been 30 years since Jools Holland launched his annual New Year’s Eve special, and to mark the occasion, the music legend is welcoming back some old friends like Kathy Sledge, Marc Almond and Roger Taylor.

Completing this year’s musical line-up will be Jade Thirlwall, Paul Carrack, The Boomtown Rats, Ruby Turner, Toby Lee and singer-songwriter CMAT.

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 11.30pm on BBC Two

Sophie Ellis Bextor’s New Year’s Eve Disco

It’s been over a year since Saltburn’s release sparked a resurgence for Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s hit Murder On The Dance Floor more than 20 years on from its original release. 

And what a year she’s had since then, embarking on a hit tour, soaring back up the charts and amassing almost half a billion Spotify streams.

Sophie will round her epic 2024 off by headlining the BBC’s New Year’s Eve show, where she’ll welcome surprise guests, introduce incredible songs, and, halfway through the on-screen shindig, introduce the annual fireworks display.

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 11.30pm on BBC One

Jane McDonald’s New Year’s Eve Singalong

Yes, this special is technically just old performances from her now-defunct Channel 5 show Jane And Friends cut up and spliced together, but we’re sure the singalong will still be irresistible (especially after a couple of sips of New Year’s fizz).

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 10pm on Channel 5

Avicii ― My Last Show 

If Jane McDonald’s festive crooning doesn’t quite do it for you, maybe Netflix’s end-of-year screening of Avicii’s final ever live show will be more up your street. 

Premiering on the morning of New Year’s Eve, the recording of Avicii’s last ever at Ibiza’s Ushuaïa means fans can either experience the legendary gig for the first time or relive every second in glorious HD.

As well as the concert film, there’s also a new documentary, I’m Tim, which will delve into the late Swedish DJ’s life with never-before-seen footage and interviews, as narrated by the artist himself. 

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve on Netflix

New Year’s Eve Fireworks

Okay, okay, the BBC classic doesn’t technically start on New Year’s Eve ― it begins at midnight on the dot, technically making it a 2025 special. 

But with live footage of fireworks crashing and bursting around the River Thames and gorgeous footage of celebrants welcoming the new year in real-time, we could hardly leave the nine-minute mainstay off our list.

When’s it on? New Year’s Day 2025 at 12.00am

8) The National Lottery’s New Year’s Eve Big Bash

For the third year running, ITV will play The National Lottery’s Big Bash on New Year’s Eve.

Hosts Vernon Kay and Fleur East worked with stars like Little Mix’s Perrie Edwards, KSI, Olly Alexander, Craig David and Ella Henderson to create the Wembley Arena live show, which will be aired on New Year’s Eve. 

Expect music, emotional recitals, and even a surprise visit from a telly legend.

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 5.45pm on ITV1 and ITVX

No Time To Die

If you’ve still not got round to watching Daniel Craig’s final outing as 007 – or you’re just a fan who wants to see it again – now’s your chance to really see your year out with a bang.

In this 25th instalment of the James Bond series – in which Daniel stars alongside newcomers Rami Malek and Lashana Lynch ― the iconic MI6 agent tries (and completely fails) to retire from the Secret Service, with an ending that you’re not likely to forget in a hurry. 

When’s it on? New Year’s Eve at 8.45pm on ITV1.

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