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‘We’re just doing some investigating’: Toyota Tundra customer goes in for oil change. Then the workers dismantle his whole truck

Going to the shop to get something fixed on a car often ends with the owner getting a much bigger bill than they were expecting.

This is not only due to the rising cost of car repairs, nor the tendency of some auto shops to upsell their customers. Instead, a car mechanic might notice that something else is wrong with the vehicle, begin to make a list of all of the problems that need fixing, and then present the customer with a list of issues that need to be immediately addressed.

In some cases, discovering these issues can be a pretty intense process, as recently noted in a video from TikTok user Alonzo Massey (@alonzomassey).

Why did this shop take apart a Toyota Tundra?

In the clip that currently has over 297,000 views, Massey says, “Imagine just coming in for [an] oil change, and the mechanic goes, ‘I heard a weird ticking sound from your truck. What was it? I'm not sure. We're looking into it. We're just doing some investigating on that ticking sound.’”

He then shows a Toyota Tundra that appears to have been fully disassembled.

“‘Just doing a little investigating. Just a little bit. No worries, sir. No worries. Everything is OK. Just a couple things we want to look into,’” Massey sarcastically continues.

It’s unclear whether this car belongs to Massey or if this situation truly occurred, as Massey has posted other videos showing that he works in the auto industry.

Does this ‘ticking sound’ really require the car to be fully disassembled?

On the internet, numerous users have complained about a ‘ticking sound’ coming from their Toyota Tundra. However, each identifies different reasons as to why the ticking sound started—and, therefore, how the ticking sound can be fixed.

For example, the site Repair Pal claims that “the most common reasons a Toyota Tundra engine makes a ticking noise are low oil level or pressure, an issue with the ignition system, or an exhaust leak.”

However, others who have investigated the issue have reported different causes. One Tundra owner on YouTube claimed that he determined the sound to be the result of “a small leak in the timing chain tensioner on the driver side.” Others investigating the “Tundra Tick” claimed that it goes away once one uses the correct oil, replacing the oil filter, changing the timing chain, and more.

Given just how many reasons there can be for such a ticking sound, it is possible that one investigating it could need to dismantle their car. However, it appears unlikely that this would be the ideal way to investigate this problem.

Furthermore, Toyota announced a recall for “certain model year 2022-2023 Toyota Tundra” vehicles in May 2024. And the recall involved customers having their engine replaced with a new one at no cost. So it’s possible that what Massey is filming is simply that recall process taking place.

@alonzomassey Nothing to see here… just regular service oil change! #foryoupage #fyp #carsales #service #carsalesman #servicetech ♬ original sound - Alonzo Massey

Commenters share their thoughts

In the comments section, users offered their views on this method for addressing a car issue. Some posed alternative theories about what was really going on.

“That’s why I tell them just change the oil nothing else!! They always trying to find something else,” wrote a user.

“Nope they’re swapping parts out,” added another.

“This happened to my old Toyota Corolla years ago, had my car for a year looking for a ‘specific faulty wire’ all to find out they were swapping parts!” exclaimed a third.

The Daily Dot reached out to Toyota and Massey via email.

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The post ‘We’re just doing some investigating’: Toyota Tundra customer goes in for oil change. Then the workers dismantle his whole truck appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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