Zayed Khan, the son of veteran actor-director Sanjay Khan and nephew of Bollywood legend Feroz Khan, made his Bollywood debut in 2003 with Chura Liyaa Hai Tumne. While his acting career was relatively short-lived, Zayed has reinvented himself as a successful entrepreneur, amassing a staggering net worth of Rs 1,500 crore, surpassing the wealth of stars like Prabhas, Ranbir Kapoor, and Ram Charan.
Zayed’s debut film didn’t leave a mark at the box office, but his breakthrough came with the 2004 blockbuster Main Hoon Na. Starring alongside Shah Rukh Khan, Zayed played Lucky, a carefree and charming young man. The role brought him widespread recognition and popularity.
Following this success, he appeared in films such as Dus (2005), Shaadi No. 1 (2005), and Blue (2009). However, his later projects failed to resonate with audiences, leading to a gradual decline in his acting career. His last notable appearance was in the television series Haasil in 2017.
As his on-screen presence didn’t work much, Zayed transitioned to the business world. Armed with a degree in business management, he made strategic investments in startups and other ventures. His sharp entrepreneurial instincts paid off, with ET Now estimating his net worth in 2024 at an astounding Rs 1,500 crore.
This wealth surpasses many Bollywood A-listers, including Ranbir Kapoor: Rs 550 crore, Prabhas: Rs 400 crore, Allu Arjun: Rs 350 crore, Ram Charan: Rs 1,300 crore.
When asked about his reported fortune, Zayed responded with humor, neither confirming nor denying the figures. In a candid feature with Hindustan Times, he offered sage financial advice: “Live within your means.” He elaborated with an analogy, “If you can afford a Ferrari, buy a Mercedes. If you can afford a Mercedes, buy a Fiat.”
On the personal front, Zayed’s life is equally fulfilling. He married Malaika Parekh, his childhood friend and a talented jewelry designer, in 2005. Malaika has been a steadfast support throughout his journey, and the couple is blessed with two sons, Zidaan and Aariz.
Zayed Khan’s evolution from a Bollywood actor to a thriving entrepreneur is a testament to his resilience and adaptability. While his film career may have taken a backseat, his business ventures have solidified his standing as a savvy and strategic individual.