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'Man of the people': Jimmy Carter in Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) -- It was May 1978. Jimmy Carter was about halfway through his term as President of the United States when he wanted to show he was not a royal president, as former President Richard Nixon had been painted.

So Carter, 53 at the time, came to Portland. But rather than staying in a fancy hotel, he stayed with an ordinary couple -- Janet and Paul Olson -- at their house.

"Their house was turned into, you know, the White House for the night with connections to the White House phones. And he famously read the kids bedtime stories, had breakfast with them the next morning, wrote one of their daughters an excuse note, 'Please excuse so-and-so from school today, you know, signed Jimmy Carter,'" Oregon Historical Society Executive Director Kerry Tymchuk told KOIN 6 News. "A man of the people -- that's how he saw himself."

While that is a great story, Tymchuk believes Jimmy Carter will be remembered for a lot more.

"I think what Oregonians and most Americans will remember most is not the 4 years of his presidency, but the 44 years of his post-presidency. This coming January 20 will be 44 years since he left office, the longest serving ex-president in US history," he said. "And what he did in those 44 years with so many causes -- fighting disease, promoting free and fair elections, working for democracy, an amazing record of working for peace around the world. Justifiably, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and that's what he'll be remembered most for."

Carter came to the Pacific Northwest through the years. In 1980, he came to see firsthand the destruction caused by the eruption of Mt. St. Helens.

Tymchuk said Carter's last visit to Oregon was just 6 years ago when he was 94.

"The Carter Center, his signature library and center in Georgia, had some sort of fundraising retreat in Skamania Lodge. And he came across the bridge to tour and look at Multnomah Falls," Tymchuk said.

But in both presidential elections, Oregonians voted for someone other than Carter.

Oregon Historical Society Executive Director Kerry Tymchuk, December 29, 2024 (KOIN)

"Oregonians did not support him in either election. In 1976, when he was running against Gerald Ford, he lost very narrowly in Oregon. In 1980, the landslide of Ronald Reagan, he lost more substantially to Ronald Reagan. Though they didn't support him with electoral votes, they supported him in other ways in the 44 years since he left office," Tymchuk said.

But he was never bitter.

"Losing an election doesn't mean you lose your life. Instead of moping, he used his power, his influence for such great causes -- eradicating disease in Africa, for democracy around the world, for Habitat for Humanity," Tymchuk said.


Barbara Roberts didn't become governor of Oregon until 1991, more than a decade after Carter left the White House. But she has a firm view on Jimmy Carter and his legacy.

Former Oregon Gov. Barbara Roberts, December 29, 2024 (KOIN)

"He was always clear what he was there for, what side of whatever the issue might be," Roberts told KOIN 6 News on Sunday. "I think his legacy you can almost say in one word. And that is humanitarian."

"If you look at the 40 years since he's been president," said KOIN 6 Political Analyst Rick Metsger, "there's probably no president in history who has had a greater impact on society -- post-president -- than Jimmy Carter."

Roberts said Carter "wanted to be sure what the impact was on people, what the impact would be on a river or a forest."

Those who met him in person had similar views of Jimmy Carter.

"Really down to earth," Metsger said.

"Warm. Very warm and very real," said Roberts.

Tymchuk said Carter was "friendly and charming and made you feel like he cared what you were saying."

Elected Leaders pay tribute

President Carter embodied what it means to be a public servant in both elected office and in his personal life by working to make our country and world a more peaceful, humane, and democratic place. May he now rest in peace with our gratitude for his service. -- Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden

A fighter for civil rights, climate champion, protector of public lands and iconic rivers, builder of good family homes, Navy veteran, humanitarian whose tireless efforts have saved millions of lives—the enduring legacy of Jimmy Carter is proof a life of service can be lived to the absolute fullest. My heart is with his loved ones, family, and all those grieving his loss in America and around the world. -- Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley

President Carter was one of the first presidents to truly understand the value of protecting and preserving our nation's public lands and waters. -- Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell

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