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Oscars flashback 80 years ago to 1945: ‘Going My Way’ wins seven, ‘Wilson’ takes five

The 17th Academy Awards ceremony, held on March 15, 1945, was the first in which the Best Picture category was restricted to five films, a tradition that lasted until 2010. The movies vying for the highest honor for the 1944 calendar year were steamy film noir Double Indemnity, tense psychological thriller Gaslight, epic WWII drama Since You Went Away, big-budget biopic Wilson, and a musical comedy about two priests, Going My Way. By the end of the evening, the heartwarming Going My Way had won a leading seven trophies, while Wilson took home five. Read on for our Oscars flashback 80 years ago to 1945.

Bing Crosby stars as Father Chuck O’Malley in Going My Way, an unconventional, golf-playing young priest transferred to a struggling parish headed by the older, very traditional Father Fitzgibbon (Barry Fitzgerald). From his first day, O’Malley gets into comical scraps that leave a poor impression with Fitzgibbon, and the two clash on the best ways to handle several issues, including the parish delinquent account, a young runaway, and a group of church boys that consistently gets into trouble. O’Malley both annoys and perplexes Fitzgibbon, who eventually figures out that the bishop intends for the younger priest to take over the parish. But after the elder priest takes ill, he finally recognizes O’Malley’s kindness and good intentions, and the two work to better the parish.

Going My Way is a feel-good film that blends the right amount of comedy and drama to get its message across without being too corny or too preachy. Crosby was one of the top stars of his day, both as a singer and as a leading man, with most of his films roles up to this point leaning towards lighter comedy/musical fare, most notably his Road films with good friend Bob Hope. But in Going My Way, Crosby acted — and sang — his way to a Best Actor Oscar. He beat out strong contenders, including Charles Boyer for his role as the duplicitous husband in Gaslight, the hugely popular Cary Grant for his role in None but the Lonely Heart, and Alexander Knox for his title role in Wilson. The final slot went to Crosby’s co-star — who accomplished a feat that has never been repeated, as the Academy changed the rules.

Fitzgerald had won the New York Critics Circle Award for Best Actor, over Crosby, and ended up Oscar-nominated for both lead and supporting for Going My Way. This is the only time a performer has been double-nominated in separate acting categories for the same film, as the Academy created a new rule prohibiting this from happening again. Fitzgerald claimed victory for Best Supporting Actor over fellow contenders Hume Cronyn (The Seventh Cross), Claude Rains (Mr. Skeffington), Clifton Webb (Laura), and Monty Woolley (Since You Went Away).

Going My Way‘s two acting wins were among the seven total from 10 nominations, which tied with Wilson. Darryl F. Zanuck was really proud of Wilson, and campaigned hard for wins, and it did end up with five victories. But Wilson ended up losing money, while Going My Way ended the year as the number one box office draw. Each film won for writing, with Wilson triumphing for original screenplay, and Going My Way for adapted. Leo McCarey was declared Best Director for Going My Way, besting Billy Wilder (Double Indemnity), Otto Preminger (Laura), Alfred Hitchcock (Lifeboat), and Henry King (Wilson). McCarey also won the now-defunct Best Original Motion Picture Story award for Going My Way.

Going My Way is also notable for introducing one of Crosby’s biggest hits, “Swinging on a Star,” which captured the award for Best Song, and maintained the top spot on the Billboard charts for nine weeks. This was the third of four tunes sung by Crosby which won this award, with the others being “Sweet Leilani” (1938), “White Christmas” (1943), and “In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening” (1952).

So popular was Going My Way, a sequel was immediately produced, and The Bells of St. Mary’s was released on Dec. 6, 1945, leading to several back-to-back Oscar nominations. Film and director again were both nominated, but The Lost Weekend and its director Billy Wilder triumphed after the Double Indemnity losses the year prior.

Crosby became the first, and one of only six, individuals to receive two Oscar bids for playing the same character; he and Paul Newman (The Color of Money, 1987) are the only two to win. The second time around the crooner lost to Ray Milland, for The Lost Weekend. Ingrid Bergman also won her category in 1945, Best Actress for her role as the tortured Paula in Gaslight, but lost her bid the following year for her portrayal of the feisty Sister Mary Benedict in The Bells of St. Mary’s; Joan Crawford took home Best Actress for Mildred Pierce instead.

Both Double Indemnity and Gaslight are considered among the best in their genres, but it was this little film about two Catholic priests that captured the hearts of audiences and critics 80 years ago. WWII had taken its toll on the country, and perhaps people appreciated the messages of hope in trying times, as well as the lessons of older and younger generations learning to live together despite differing opinions. And even though it’s not a Christmas movie in the literal sense, from Father O’Malley’s comical misbegotten effort to bound with the neighborhood kids in a game of ball to a tender mother-son reunion to the tune of Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral, Going My Way hits all the right notes during the holiday season.

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