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Who Hid the incriminating Biden Family China Photos from the American Public – And Why Have They Not Been Arrested? – James Comer Promises to Investigate Biden-China Photo Scandal (VIDEO)

Joe Biden meets with Chinese business friends while on an official visit as Vice President with his son Hunter. The wildly partisan National Archives hid this photo from the American public until after the 2024 election.

** Who hid these photos from the American public showing likely criminal activity by the Biden Crime Family?
** Why are these government officials, with the CIA, IRS, FBI and NARA still walking free after concealing this likely criminal activity from the American people?

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, joined Jason Chaffetz on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the incriminating photos released by America First Legal that were published last week of Joe and Hunter Biden meeting with their Chinese business associates while Joe Biden was in China representing the United States government.

Government Officials with the National Archives and partisan Records Administration hid and concealed these photos from the American public the last four years to shield and protect Joe Biden from any legal

Last week, America First Legal obtained new photos of Joe Biden meeting with Hunter’s Chinese business associates and introducing Hunter to China’s Xi Jinping.

AFL obtained the photos through their September 2022 lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA.)

“These photos shed light on the connections between then-Vice President Biden, Hunter and his Chinese business associates, and Chinese government officials, including President Xi Jinping,” AFL said.

NARA was supposed to release the photos on October 23, 2024 – BEFORE the 2024 election but they dragged it out to cover up Joe Biden’s corruption. NARA was hiding 99.98% of pages of Joe Biden’s pseudonym emails from Congress.

On Sunday, Oversight Chairman James Comer announced that his committee would investigate why NARA, the same partisan government group that targeted President Trump for four years, refused to release the Biden photos and illicit emails with their Chinese business counterparts.

Chairman James Comer: we need to hold people accountable. You look at with respect to what’s come out this week with the pictures that the National Archives never would release that show that Joe Biden lied. He did, in fact, introduce his son to all these Chinese people. Joe Biden did, in fact, meet with all these Chinese people that were wiring his family millions of dollars for mysterious reasons. We knew it, and I think the American people with common sense knew it. But what’s most troubling, Jason, is how many people in the federal government knew that Joe Biden was lying when he said he didn’t know why his family was getting all that money, when he said he never met with any of these people. The CIA knew, the IRS knew, the FBI knew. They need to be held accountable. The National Archives, not only have they sat on those pictures and they only released because of a lawsuit, they also never have released the pseudonym emails. This agency will be brought in front of the House Oversight Committee, and they’re going to have to explain themselves as to why they obstructed our investigation. I want to work with Cash Patel.

I want to work with all the new Trump cabinet secretaries, where we can hold the deep state actors accountable because the American people have lost confidence in the government. I think what role oversight will play in this new administration is trying to drain the swamp, and that’s going to begin by getting these federal bureaucrats who have abused their power, they’re unelacted, they’ve not been held accountable, no one’s overseen them. There are no checks and balances, and bring them in and try to get them, at the very least, terminated and try to get reforms in place to where this can never happen again and the American people can begin to have confidence in their government agencies again.

Video via Midnight Rider.

The post Who Hid the incriminating Biden Family China Photos from the American Public – And Why Have They Not Been Arrested? – James Comer Promises to Investigate Biden-China Photo Scandal (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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