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Major supermarket slashes price of ‘luxury’ £60 artificial Christmas trees to just £7.50

A LEADING supermarket has dramatically reduced the price of 6.5ft Christmas trees by 88%.

Tesco is selling 6.5ft luxury artificial alpine snow trees for just £7.50.

Unfortunately, the offer isn’t available online, so you’ll need to head to your local store to check if there’s still stock[/caption]

The artificial fir, which usually retails at £60 a piece, can be bought for the knockoff price in-store while stocks last.

Shoppers have taken to social media to brag about the offer.

One person posted on the Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK Facebook page and said: This bad boy was originally £60…

“It’s now reduced to £7.50!”

Another shopper, responding to the find, said: “I bought this tree last year and put it up this year. It’s lovely.

“They are deffo a bargain at that kind of price.”

A third shopper said: “I have this tree!

“I got it last year, but not this cheap!”

Unfortunately, the offer isn’t available online, so you’ll need to head to your local store to check if there’s still stock.

You can find yours by visiting tesco.com/store-locator/.

Always remember to compare prices to ensure you get the best deal.

However, the in-store Tesco offer is the best we’ve seen on 6ft trees.

A similar alpine snow-covered artificial tree from Homebase currently costs £90 – and that’s with a 50% markdown.

Online-only retailer Studio has slashed the price of its own 6ft frosted artificial trees from £35.99 to £6.50.

However, they’re five inches shorter than the one on offer at Tesco.

How to compare prices to get the best deal

JUST because something is on offer, or is part of a sale, it doesn't mean it's always a good deal.

There are plenty of comparison websites out there that’ll check prices for you – so don’t be left paying more than you have to.

Most of them work by comparing the prices across hundreds of retailers.

Here are some that we recommend:

  • Google Shopping is a tool that lets users search for and compare prices for products across the web. Simply type in keywords, or a product number, to bring up search results.
  • Price Spy logs the history of how much something costs from over 3,000 different retailers, including Argos, Amazon, eBay and the supermarkets. Once you select an individual product you can quickly compare which stores have the best price and which have it in stock.
  • Idealo is another website that lets you compare prices between retailers. All shoppers need to do is search for the item they need and the website will rank them from the cheapest to the most expensive one.
  • CamelCamelCamel only works on goods being sold on Amazon. To use it, type in the URL of the product you want to check the price of.


With a few simple tricks you can cut down the total on your Tesco shop. Here are some tips to help you:

Get a Tesco Clubcard: If you’re a frequent Tesco shopper, signing up for a Tesco Clubcard is highly recommended. With every £1 you spend, you earn one point, which can be redeemed for vouchers.

Accumulate 150 points to receive a £1.50 voucher in-store. For added value, exchange your points online via the Clubcard website for days out or restaurant meals, where they can be worth up to three times their value.

Don’t forget to check for any unused points, as they remain valid for up to two years.

Save on Tesco deliveries: Consider signing up for Tesco’s Delivery Saver subscription service to save on home delivery costs.

For a monthly fee starting at £3.49, you can get all online deliveries over £40 delivered free of charge, with one order per day.

This service is ideal if you place two or more orders over £40 a month.

The delivery charge typically ranges from £1 to £7, so if you regularly shop online, the subscription could offer substantial savings.

Make the most of yellow stickers: Yellow stickers indicate items that have been reduced in price due to approaching sell-by dates or minor damage.

If you have a large freezer, these discounts are a great way to stock up on quality products for less.

The timing for yellow sticker discounts varies by store, so check our guide for the best times to find these bargains.

Look for “Exclusively at Tesco” products: Tesco offers an “Exclusively at Tesco” range featuring around 400 key items such as bread, tea bags, and family meals.

This range is priced competitively against discount retailers like Aldi and Lidl.

Always compare prices to ensure you’re getting the best deal and consider using price comparison tools like MoneySupermarket or Idealo to track supermarket prices.

Try downshifting your products: Switching from premium to standard products can lead to significant savings.

For example, a Tesco Finest chicken kiev costs £6, whereas a standard Tesco kiev is only £2—a £4 saving.

According to MoneySavingExpert Martin Lewis, this simple change can save an average family up to £1,500 annually.

Bring your own bags: Tesco charges 10p for its bags for life, which may seem small, but can add up over time.

Using four bags per week equates to £1.60 a month or £20.80 a year. Save money by bringing your own bags—keeping them in your car can help you remember them on your next trip.

With these tricks you can maximise your savings the next time you shop at Tesco.

Meanwhile, Tesco Clubcard customers can boost their points by spending money with partners like Ovo Energy, Vauxhall, and Inkjet Recycling.

How to bag a bargain

SUN Savers Editor Lana Clements explains how to find a cut-price item and bag a bargain…

Sign up to loyalty schemes of the brands that you regularly shop with.

Big names regularly offer discounts or special lower prices for members, among other perks.

Sales are when you can pick up a real steal.

Retailers usually have periodic promotions that tie into payday at the end of the month or Bank Holiday weekends, so keep a lookout and shop when these deals are on.

Sign up to mailing lists and you’ll also be first to know of special offers. It can be worth following retailers on social media too.

When buying online, always do a search for money off codes or vouchers that you can use vouchercodes.co.uk and myvouchercodes.co.uk are just two sites that round up promotions by retailer.

Scanner apps are useful to have on your phone. Trolley.co.uk app has a scanner that you can use to compare prices on branded items when out shopping.

Bargain hunters can also use B&M’s scanner in the app to find discounts in-store before staff have marked them out.

And always check if you can get cashback before paying which in effect means you’ll get some of your money back or a discount on the item.

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