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Only those with 20/20 vision can spot Saint Nick in this festive brainteaser – but you have to do it in under 17 seconds

SANTA’S already visited the town, but if you’re still in the festive spirit you can find the jolly man in a new brainteaser.

A festive image shows cars surrounded by decorated fir, snowflakes and prezzies.

Struggling to find Santa in this festive brainteaser? Scroll down to find where he’s hiding[/caption]

But somewhere in the colourful brainteaser is St Nick waiting to be discovered.

Car retailer Motorpoint created the image that features hundreds of cars driving home for Christmas alongside other seasonal items.

Discussing what motorists need to be aware of when travelling to see their loved ones on high-traffic days, Tim Rodie, Motorpoint’s resident driving expert, said: ”It’s no secret that driving during the festive season can be stressful

”This is particularly true for drivers who aren’t used to making long journeys or spending lots of time in their vehicles.

”For anyone planning longer journeys to visit friends and family this Christmas, my biggest piece of advice would be to do as much as possible to reduce stress on the day you are travelling. 

”For example, filling your car with fuel a couple of days before you travel might seem simple, but it can mean you start your journey much more relaxed.”

However the main goal of the image is to test how good your vision is.

If you struggle to locate Santa amongst the traffic, fear not, as you are not alone.

Just a mere nine percent of people can beat this brainteaser in under 17 seconds – which might seem like enough time but is actually more challenging than you’d imagine.

Try to focus your attention on the bottom right of the brainteaser, but do not worry if you cannot see Santa right away – only 68 percent of people could see Santa hidden within the festive scene.

”It takes most people almost a minute to solve this tricky brainteaser, so don’t worry if you didn’t crack it this time,” Motorpoint shared.

As an early Christmas present, Motorpoint has revealed exactly where Santa was hiding within the image.

Seeing as time is already up, you should’ve found St Nick by now.

If not, scroll down to the bottom of the article to find the answer, as we’re about to spoil it.

How can optical illusions and brainteasers help me?

Engaging in activities like solving optical illusions and brainteasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate various brain regions.

Some benefits include:

  • Cognitive stimulation: Engaging in these activities challenges the brain, promoting mental agility and flexibility.
  • Problem-solving skills: Regular practice enhances analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Memory improvement: These challenges often require memory recall and can contribute to better memory function.
  • Creativity: They encourage thinking outside the box, fostering creativity and innovative thought processes.
  • Focus and attention: Working on optical illusions and brainteasers requires concentration, contributing to improved focus.
  • Stress relief: The enjoyable nature of these puzzles can act as a form of relaxation and stress relief.

Keep practicing and you’re sure to become a better problem solver over time and soon you’ll be able to spot the odd one out in no time.

Regularly solving brain teasers will help keep your mind sharp, enhance your ability to tackle complex tasks and provide a satisfying mental workout.

What’s more, the enjoyable nature of these puzzles can also act as a form of relaxation and stress relief – what better way to enjoy the weekend before returning to work?

Have a go at these brainteasers to test your ability to spot things at speed.

Try figuring out what’s wrong with this image of smiling women as you count their legs in 11 seconds.

Or you might want to prove you have a 20/20 vision as you search for a strawberry in this carnival scene.

Just a mere nine percent of people can beat this brainteaser in under 17 seconds[/caption]

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