A heart-wrenching incident unfolded in Kota, Rajasthan, when a government employee’s farewell party turned into a tragedy. Devendra, a resident of Dadabari’s Shastri Nagar, had taken voluntary retirement to care for his ailing wife, Deepika, three years before his official retirement date. Tragically, Deepika, 50, collapsed and passed away during the celebration, leaving everyone present in shock.
A video of the incident has surfaced on social media, drawing widespread condolences. In the clip, Devendra and Deepika can be seen wearing garlands and smiling as colleagues applaud and cheer around them. Suddenly, Deepika appears unwell and sits down, breathing heavily while still managing a faint smile. Devendra gently rubs her back, trying to comfort her.
राजस्थान के कोटा जिला में एक भावुक घटना घटित पत्नी की देखभाल के लिए वॉलंटरी रिटायरमेंट लिया, लेकिन रिटायरमेंट का जश्न मनाते हुए पत्नी ने इस दुनिया को अलविदा कह दिया।"
यह प्यार और त्याग की एक दिल छू लेने वाली कहानी है।
अलविदा प्रकृति"!! #Kota pic.twitter.com/tyw0DZGJnc— Banwari Lal – Bairwa (Civil Engineer) (@B_L__VERMA) December 25, 2024
Amid the concern, voices in the background urge, “Bring water, she might be feeling dizzy.” Moments later, Deepika collapses, her head resting on the table. Devendra and others rush to assist her, calling urgently for water. Despite their efforts, Deepika was pronounced dead at the hospital, where doctors confirmed she had been brought in without vital signs.
According to close acquaintances, Deepika had been battling heart-related health issues for several years. Devendra had taken early retirement to dedicate his time to caring for her. The farewell party was arranged to mark his last day at work, but it tragically became a moment of loss and sorrow.
Many people reacted on the video, user named H.Paritaf said, ‘’True couple.Made for each other.’’
Whereas another user named Sunder Edward, said , ‘’All people should learn exercises off artificial respiration exercise in emergency case like this.’’
Many others said ‘Its very sad’ or ‘’So heart breaking to watch’’
(with PTI inputs)