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I went to HomeGoods for some last-minute holiday gifts, and the selection was overwhelming

I almost knocked things off this table with how overflowing it was.
  • HomeGoods is a favorite of both interior designers and consumers alike.
  • It's also a great place to do some last-minute holiday shopping.
  • I went on December 23 and was surprised to see how much inventory was left.

In addition to being a fan of HomeGoods, I'm also a bit of a procrastinator.

With traffic at my local mall reaching Black Friday levels this week, I decided to skip that chaos. Instead, I stopped by HomeGoods, the successful home decor chain with over 900 locations across the US, to see what it was like two days before Christmas.

Yes, it was crowded, but it wasn't stifling. And there were no empty, picked-over shelves. I was pleasantly surprised by how much inventory and last-minute gift options the store had— if not a bit overwhelmed.

Here's what it was like to get some last-minute gifts at HomeGoods.

I went to a HomeGoods in my hometown on Long Island.
The exterior of my local HomeGoods.
The store advertised same-day delivery and a special holiday return policy when you walked in.
A display at the front.
The first display was a table filled with reindeer, snowmen, penguins, and wrapping paper.
One of the first displays had a large silver reindeer.
If you want to shop at HomeGoods, you have to be OK with digging through tables of seemingly random items.
It's like digging for treasure.
Sometimes, displays are organized. For example, this table was labeled "For the chef."
This table had baskets, olive oil sets, snacks, and more.
It had items like this basil-dip tasting set for $19.99.
The label was torn, but the box itself was fine.
This Modelo goodie-filled tub, which cost $59.99, included glasses, coasters, a bottle opener, pretzels, and chips.
This is great for the beer-lover in your life.
This table was piled high with "baking essentials."
There's special powdered sugar, baking trays, dishware, and edible decorations.
No one would be mad to open chocolates on Christmas morning.
I didn't know there could be so many different types of chocolate.
I was particularly drawn to this "wine" bottle filled with truffles.
These were quite festive.
There was an entire aisle dedicated to peppermint snacks.
The Peppermint Shop.
There were multiple shelves filled with just hot chocolate — gourmet hot chocolate is a great grab-bag gift.
There were dozens of hot chocolate mixes.
I bought these chocolate-covered spoons for $7.99. They turn any cup of milk into hot chocolate, and they'll be a hit in my home on Christmas morning.
I can't wait to try them out.
Even when you go into the store, past the gift displays, some items would make good presents.
This section was labeled Storage.
Of course, HomeGoods is known for decor. Many teenage girls would be excited to get one of these disco-ball gifts.
Disco balls are popular.
Or for the coquette-obsessed, any of these Hello Kitty gifts would do.
There were jars, plates, bowls, mugs, and more with Hello Kitty's face.

Source: Business Insider

I was into these pink cowboy boot vases — I definitely have some younger cousins who would love one.
Western-inspired fashion and decor were popular this year.
Board games and puzzles are tried-and-true gifts. There's no shortage of them at HomeGoods.
I almost knocked things off this table with how overflowing it was.
The candle section can be overwhelming — this is one small part — but candles are a solid gift for almost anyone in your life.
Candles are gifts that almost anyone would enjoy.
If all else fails — try a gift card.
Gift cards are never a bad idea.
Christmas wasn't the only holiday represented. There was a Hanukkah table, as well.
The Hanukkah table had menorahs, lights, and candles.
And there were already tons of Valentine's Day items on display.
Christmas was already on its way out in this part of the store.
Pink was everywhere.
These would still be good Christmas gifts.
Even if these are technically for Valentine's Day, I wouldn't be mad to find that ceramic bulldog under my tree.
I also liked the Snoopy mug.
If you somehow made it through the store without finding anything, there's winter-themed candy at the register.
When in doubt, try candy.
HomeGoods is a lifesaver if you're like me and put off holiday shopping until the last minute.
Peppermint bark is a solid last-minute gift for a surprise guest.
Read the original article on Business Insider

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