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BRAZIL: Conservative Lawmakers Approve Chemical Castration for Pedophiles; LEFTISTS TRIED TO BLOCK THE MEASURE

Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies in Brazil. Photo: Bruno Spada / Chamber of Deputies

The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies passed a landmark bill on December 12 authorizing chemical castration for convicted pedophiles using libido-suppressing medication. The legislation also establishes a national database of convicted pedophiles, accessible to the public online.

The measure, driven by conservative lawmakers, was introduced as a key provision during debates on the pedophile registry bill. Despite opposition from leftist lawmakers and socialist President Lula da Silva’s allies, the measure passed by a resounding vote of 267 to 85.

The new legislation mandates chemical castration as a supplementary punishment for those convicted of sexual crimes involving children and adolescents. This penalty applies only after all appeals have been exhausted. Crimes qualifying for this punishment include:

  • Recording, selling, buying, or distributing explicit material involving minors;
  • Grooming minors;
  • Rape of a minor;
  • Child prostitution.

The legislation aims to combat Brazil’s alarming rates of child sexual abuse. According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, more than 200,000 cases of sexual violence against children and adolescents were reported between 2015 and 2021, with 35,196 cases in 2021 alone—the highest annual total ever recorded.

Most of these crimes occur in the victims’ homes, with family members or acquaintances responsible for 68% of assaults against children and 58.4% against teenagers.

Bolsonaro Celebrates “Historic Step”

President Donald Trump and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro at a bilateral meeting in Japan in 2020. (Photo: Alan Santos/Presidency of the Brazilian Republic)

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro celebrated the approval on social media. The measure aligns with a bill he proposed during his time as a federal congressman.

Bolsonaro wrote on his social media channels:

“For over a decade, I’ve championed chemical castration for rapists and pedophiles. The House has taken a historic step by approving this measure as part of the penalties for those who commit these heinous crimes. There’s still much to do to protect our children, but this is a significant milestone for our nation.”


“A Victory Against the Destroyers of Childhood”

Congresswoman Clarissa Tércio. Photo: Zeca Ribeiro / Chamber of Deputies

For conservative Congresswoman Clarissa Tércio (PE), the approval of chemical castration marks a watershed moment in the fight to protect children and adolescents.

Mrs. Tércio has a strong record of supporting agendas that prioritize family and Christian values, as well as the fight against violence. She emphasized the measure as a decisive response from the state against heinous crimes that destroy innocent lives.

Since the beginning of her mandate, the congresswoman has been a vocal advocate for stricter laws to punish sex offenders and protect victims.

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit in Brazil, she said:

“Our mission is to protect the weakest. The approval of this bill is a victory against the destroyers of childhood, because chemical castration is not revenge; it is a necessary measure to contain the monsters that threaten our children. We must say ‘enough’ to impunity and ensure that criminals know there is no room for tolerance of evil in Brazil.”


Bia Kicis: “A Significant Step for Justice”

Congresswoman Bia Kicis. Photo: Renato Araujo/Chamber of Deputies


Congresswoman Bia Kicis (DF) called the approval of chemical castration a significant victory in the battle for justice and safety for children and adolescents.

Mrs. Kicis emphasized that the measure reinforces the state’s commitment to severely punish those responsible for sexual crimes. Since the beginning of her political career, she has been a staunch advocate for combating impunity and violence.

Speaking to The Gateway Pundit in Brazil, the congresswoman expressed:

“I was deeply moved because we have been fighting for this cause for many years. Now, if a pedophile is convicted and serves their sentence, their record, containing information about their abusive history, will not be erased. To remain free, the criminal will be subjected to chemical castration. We won by a landslide—most people want to protect children from the monstrosity of pedophilia, even though Lula’s government advised against the measure.”

In her statements, Congresswoman Kicis underscored that chemical castration is not just a method of punishment but an essential tool to prevent offenders from repeating their crimes. To her, it is a clear signal that Brazil is taking a stronger stand in the fight against these heinous crimes.

 Next Steps

The bill now moves to Brazil’s Federal Senate for review. If approved, it will require the signature of President Lula da Silva to become law. Should the socialist leader veto the measure, Congress will have the final say on whether to override the veto.

Conservatives in Brazil are rallying to ensure the legislation becomes law, seeing it as a pivotal moment in the fight to protect the nation’s children from the horrors of pedophilia.

The post BRAZIL: Conservative Lawmakers Approve Chemical Castration for Pedophiles; LEFTISTS TRIED TO BLOCK THE MEASURE appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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