For much of the last six months, I have been working in secret on the most important book of my writing career: “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets … And Why They Matter to America Today.” My reading public has been waiting for a sixth edition of “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” but Kevin Abrams and I decided last summer to consider our fourth edition of 2002 our final collaboration, so I took the project solo in a new direction oriented toward the newly red-pilled masses of the MAGA movement – and with the new purpose of fighting the evil and dangerous “Groomer” agenda of today’s American LGBT movement. I kept it secret in the hope of taking the leftist censors by surprise and possibly going viral by word-of-mouth and grassroots networking before they can poison the public against it. That race is on.
So, for the first month, I’m giving the book away for free in easy-to-disseminate PDF format and asking your help in spreading it as far and wide as you can, as quickly as you can – including any email lists and free-speech-respecting social media you post to.
“Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” include 1) that the core of Nazism was always pederasty (man/boy sex), and 2) that Nazi-style pederasts founded and still facilitate the American “gay” movement. These facts are conclusively proven and documented in this 600-plus page exposé of the most banned and canceled truths of the 20th century and the still-hidden Nazi undercurrent of today’s DEI child-enslavement networks. There is almost nothing happening in America today under the LGBT banner that did not happen first in Nazi or pre-Nazi Germany.
I have devoted more than 30 years to the research this book is based upon, and have been persecuted and canceled more than any other American who has dared to publicly oppose LGBTism. Their last major effort to destroy me was an outrageously bogus and baseless federal lawsuit for “Crimes Against Humanity” (SMUG v. Lively) in the courtroom of the notorious left-wing judicial activist “Judge” Michael Ponsor of Massachusetts, recently forced to publicly apologize for unethical comments against Supreme Court Justice Alito. (This SMUG lawsuit was actually the fifth of five major lawfare attacks, the first one of which I lost in 1992 due to ineffective legal counsel – his first case out of law school – which motivated me to earn a law degree of my own.)
It was Ponsor’s former law clerk who spearheaded that six and a half year-long travesty (2012-2018), and led a team that peaked at 14 lawyers trying to spin my harmless and non-hateful comments about the “gay” agenda in Uganda as equivalent to murder and genocide. The whole nightmarish campaign operated under the umbrella of the grossly misnamed “Center for Constitutional Rights,” a Marxist law firm based at 666 Broadway in Manhattan, and cost my defense team, the heroic Liberty Counsel, more than $1.5 million to finally defeat.
Just before our final victory, however, the Ugandan lesbian plaintiff emailed us with a note that she had accepted Christ, repented of lesbianism and wanted to apologize for what had been done to me in her name. (I have a book in progress about this ordeal.) Some interesting photos and a screenshot of her email can be viewed here.
I wanted to share that experience with you to explain in part my rationale for going solo with this book. I don’t want anyone, especially my Jewish friend Kevin, who lives under the increasingly homo-fascist culture of Canada, to have to face what I have endured.
And yet, I cannot and will not be cowed into self-censorship by bullying. The elite powers such as the malicious Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Human Rights Campaign (HRC) who hate and fear my work may have caused me to be banned from virtually every public book-marketing venue in America, and to be de-banked and de-platformed from YouTube, PayPal, Amazon etcetera, but they cannot prevent private citizens from acquiring, reading and sharing my book amongst themselves and passing it to major influencers and other opinion-leaders through back channels.
So today, even though I’m about $20,000 in the red with this book project, I have decided I will make the PDF version of this book free to the public for the first 30 days, on the condition that the readers agree to be brave enough to share it with others and try to help this topic go viral in the MAGA movement in the hope it can strengthen the anti-Groomer movement and rescue America’s children from the clutches of the LGBTs.
To get your free copy of “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” simply visit my bookstore here.
Of course, I hope you’ll also donate to my ministry while you’re there, but it’s not mandatory because I care far more about rescuing the children than I do about raising money. The bookstore is my private business so donations there are NOT tax deductible, but if you want a deduction, you could donate to Scott Lively Ministries. Again, however, the PDF version of the book is entirely free to everyone with no strings attached or “suggested donation” expected.
The print version of the book will not be published and offered for sale until 2025 – marking exactly 30 years from the publication of the first edition of “The Pink Swastika.”
I intend “Nazi Germany’s Dirtiest Secrets” to be my final effort on this topic.
Frankly, even if the book doesn’t go viral or make a big splash in the MAGA universe, I’m very happy just to have a sense of closure on this three-decade-long project that has been so central to my Christian ministry, and has opened doors for public speaking events, media interviews and consultation with social and political leaders all over the world. My travel list as of this year is 68 countries, invitations to many of which were due to my expertise on the topic of this book.
I really hope that you will accept my free gift and will read it for your own edification and empowerment. You will learn many important and shocking facts that have been deliberately suppressed for a very long time. And if you’re an active participant in the anti-Groomer efforts of the MAGA movement, you will have powerful new ammunition for the fight to save the kids. Godspeed to you in that work.